Monday, September 29, 2014

CD REVIEW: Internal Devour (Australia) - "Aborted and Slaughtered", by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews

Internal Devour (Brisbane, Australia) - Aborted and Slaughtered (Morbid Generation)

Internal Devour come to offer us their debut f***ing album entitled " Aborted and Slaughtered" and the crazy Australians are performing a Slamming Brutal Death F***ing Metal totally f***ing disgusting and brutal completely following the tradition of f***ing slam and doing it in a great f***ing way! This f***ing piece of shit called "Aborted and Slaughtered" is Matt Turkington on Vocals, Brodie Nagel on Bass, Kyle Van Der Ryken on Guitars and the trio are doing a f***ing amazing job on almost every shitty level, the vocals are guttural as f*** with a few screams, riffs of guitars/bass are mostly f***ing excellent with a good job on drums! The production of this damn release is still very well done, good mixing, sounding like a f***ing piece of shit totally f***ing crushing, heavy guitar riffs, drums sounds fake but still f***ing good knowing it's live session worked in studio by Zeke Ferrington and the band! Obviously, Internal Devour are not reinventing the Slamming Brutal Death Metal with this f***ing sick shit but manages to give a very enjoyable first release with a f***ing good slam variety in the riffs/vocals and musically pretty damn brutal! "Aborted Slaughtered" has 8 songs (1 instrumental, 1 demo version) and all excellent but also contains some negatives points, some riffs are totally boring and f***ing weak that I think some blasting riffs instead would have solved the problem pretty well and would have given this f***ing disk a brutal perfection at all f***ing levels and also as mentioned early, the drums sound a bit fake and missing of shitty power! Internal Devour are performing 25 f***king minutes of brutal f***ing slam almost perfect in the shitty genre and is a f***ing must for every slam fan and required to be heard by others! Nothing Original But F***ing Great Slamming Brutal Shit! 9/10. [This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews and is used here with his kind written permission]

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