Monday, September 29, 2014

CD REVIEW: Epicardiectomy (Czech Republic) - Putreseminal Morphodysplastic Virulency, by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews

Epicardiectomy (Prague, Czech Republic) - Putreseminal Morphodysplastic Virulency (Coyote Records)

Epicardiectomy are back from the shitty bowels of the Czech Republic to make our ears f***ing bleed with their second full length album entitled "Putreseminal Morphodysplastic Virulency"! Always true to their f***ing roots, Epicardiectomy continue to perform a Slamming Brutal Death f***ing Metal in their own style and are offering an album of 8 songs and lasting about 31 fucking minutes! Since its creation 7 f***ing years ago, the band kept the same line-up and consists of Tom Vysoky on Vocals, Serge Gordeev on Guitars/Bass, Milan Moskon on Drums and the trio as their habits are playing a f***ing disgusting slamming ready to make shake the f***ing earth! Tom is doing a good f***ing job with vocals, f***ing guttural but lacking a much variation and it may end up being f***ing boring, Serge on guitars/bass is also f***ing good delivering many good riffs but totally lacking punch and several totally boring and same goes for Milan who is doing a f***ing good drumming without being dazzling! The production of this f***ing shit is still very good, great mixing except at the drums, a very heavy f***ing sound but may seem rather bland with a drums sounding to me completely f***ing awful! "Putreseminal Morphodysplastic Virulency" is still not bad but missing the good slam catchy f***ing riffs and after a few listens, it's really hard to bear and, the best songs are the both from their promo 2013 and I must say there is nothing interesting except that! A CD filled with repetitive and endless riffs with no originality with a total lack of brutality making sound this disk very f***ing weak! Epicardiectomy still delivers a passable release but I would to recommend only to big fans of slam coz for the others it have many others brutal shits to get before! Not Bad Slamming Shit! 5/10. [This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews and is used here with his kind f***ng written f***ing permission.]

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