Friday, December 21, 2012

INTERVIEW: Confessions of a metal chick - Feby and Nike talk to Busuk Webzine about the metal scene and their university metal music research projects

Press conference, FIRST WORLD METAL GOVERNMENT: Nike, Feby, Kieran & John
Our interview with Feby (22 years) and Nike (25 years) (Bandung)
At: Novotel Hell, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
2 April 2012
Interview oleh: Kieran James & John Yoedi (BUSUK WEBZINE)

Nike & Feby, Bandung metal chicks
Kieran James1: How did you get into metal music?

Feby1: I listened first to metalcore then death-metal and now deathcore like NORMA JEAN and THE CHARIOT. For death-metal I prefer JASAD of course, BURGERKILL, and DISINFECTED. I usually go to metal concerts but now I’m busy with my [undergraduate] thesis but I go to big events like Bandung Biersik or international acts of metal.

When I was in senior high-school I had lots of boyfriends, not girl-friend [laughs]. They introduced me to metal music, I’m interested in it. I had a dark past like with lots of problems. Metal suits me so I came to like it. I like the sound and lyrics and double drums, it’s really good in my ears … it’s hard to explain.

I like to be a part of the metal scene. I like when I go to concert. I feel like all my problems are gone. I met a lot of my old friends at the concerts. I just enjoy it; the local shows are very cheap.

It’s OK for me to be a woman in the metal scene. Friends think of me as a tough girl but I’m not really. My parents told me not to drive listening to metal music. I said “it’s OK, mom”, my parents accept my music.

KJ2: How do you want to get involved further in metal activities in future?

Feby2: I’m interested in art works, I love drawings so much. I see [metal music art] as great artwork, it describes the lyrics, it’s OK for me. I’m interested in artwork. I considered that after I graduate I will take drawing lessons for the metal scene (Illuminator drawing course).

KJ3: What are your favorite bands?


KJ4: OK, great. What about your favorite local bands?


KJ5: Any favorite younger bands?

Feby5: I’m not really interested in young bands as I’m busy. I like TENGKORAK, meaning “skull”, grindcore.

KJ6: Have you got many woman friends in the metal scene or is it very lonely?

Feby6: I have best friends, women. When we held the metal events in 2007 many girls were part of the scene but now they don’t listen to metal again, I don’t know why. Now I have only a few girl friends in the metal scene.

KJ7: What do the girls not into metal think about you?

Feby7: Other girls not into metal think I’m different, extreme girl, they see me as a tough girl but actually I’m not. I say I’m flexible as I can listen to such music.

KJ8: What do you like about death-metal music?

Feby8: I like the deep growl vocal. I rather choose to listen to deep growl vocals than pig squeals. I like DM because the music is much faster and the drum bits and blastbeats are different.

Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
KJ9: Do you like traditional classic heavy-metal such as IRON MAIDEN?

Feby9: My friends gave me an IRON MAIDEN tape for my birthday but I don’t like it much. My friends say I’m too modern; I didn’t explore the history of metal. They say “you are not a true fan”. But I’m starting to learn more.

KJ10: Did you have a boyfriend from the scene?

Feby10: I had an ex-boyfriend from the scene, I’m single [laughs].

KJ11: Do you think many metal chicks join the scene to find a boyfriend?

Feby11: Junior high-school girls may be like this, [joining the scene] to find guys.

KJ12: Have you ever had a bad experience in the scene such as people touching you in the moshpit or just people disrespecting you?

Feby12: I never had a bad experience in the metal scene. Once I tried to slamdance in the moshpit and I got hit in the head. I knew it was like that so I took the risk.

KJ13: So tell me more about your future plans.

Feby13: I will take lessons at Illuminator, I want to make art for the bands, be an illustrator for their albums. This is my dream. I’m really interested in arts. My ex-boyfriend had a band too but I don’t know what genre it is.

KJ14: Nike, how did you get into metal music?

Nike14: In TENGKORAK (Jakarta), they have two vocalists, and the female vocalist is my friend. I know the female vocalist from RESTLESS.

KJ15: Are you interested in punk music too?

Feby15: I listen to some punk such as TCUKIMAY. My friends brought me SONIC YOUTH. I’m lis1tening to it right now. I don’t know whether I like it or not. I’m not really into punk.

KJ16: How can the Bandung DM scene grow further?

Feby16: I think they have to reach a new level – having records is great but they need to give more support to the DM scene in Indo. I know international society will embrace Indo DM because it’s good.

Nike: There should be a deeper connection with government too. In my thesis I also study about symbols such as pentagram and cross. My lecturer says I must make more documentation of symbols in metal.

KJ17: Feby, what is your thesis about?

Feby17: I will explain about the glocalization of DM as a western product and Sundanese as the local culture in Bandung. I will explain the unique outcome of Sunda metal as a new genre. I will research about three aspects – musical instruments, fashion, and the language in the lyrics – three aspects so to keep it simple.

Nike, Feby & Kieran
KJ18: What does the university think about researching about metal?

Feby18: Not many lecturers like my thesis because they think it’s not really international relations. I have to find the connection to international relations, to make it an international relations thesis, not a cultural studies thesis.

John Yoedi19: What do you think about Busuk Webzine? I know you contacted me and Kieran because first you read our website…

Feby19: It’s a great blog, not many people make a blog about DM. There are a few but they only talk about a few bands. Yours is good and people should know about it. Of course I will promote it!

Nike: My junior in college, he also studies metal; he studies the Islamic lyrics of the metal band PURGATORY from Jakarta. Three people study about metal in my school – me about fashion in female metal music, one about women representation in Jakarta, and the third about metal music lyrics. I study fashion in Bandung and lyrics in Jakarta. I think Bandung is the center of metal in Indo.

KJ: Thanks very much for sharing and best wishes!
Lady Punks Are not Prostitutes!

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