Tuesday, November 29, 2011

SOUNDS FROM THE CAPITAL: Interview with HELLSKUAD (Jakarta grindcore)

My interview with Deady Velo (guitarist) of HELLSKUAD (Jakarta slamming grindcore)

"In 2012 record label from Moscow [Russia] is interested to release our album" - Deady 

By Dr Kieran James (University of Southern Queensland)

Online interview, 27 November 2011

HELLSKUAD is: Uzie: guttural, Deady Velo: guitars, Gozza guitars, Faizal: bass [and] Alfian: drums.

Kieran James: Hi, mate. Thanks very much for agree to do interview with our website busukwebzine666.blogspot.com. These are the questions:

KJ: First tell us the band history, like when you start and who are the members?

Deady: Hello bro, nice to know you and your webzine of course. It’s started at 2009 when I (Deady Velo) would make hardcore band project to play HATEBREED cover songs, we recorded our song in 2010 as a sample but it still hardcore punk in our music until in the early 2011.  We took to the studio for first full album, but all our material is gone by virus computer and I decided to change our genre music to slamming gore groove and we retake all song materials and now we [are] ready to put our songs to full album again. We play death metal with hardcore way... and the line up is: Uzie: guttural, Deady Velo: guitars, Gozza guitars, Faizal: bass [and] Alfian: drums.

KJ: What cities have you played shows?

Deady: As a band project in the first time we just played in some gigs in the city like Jakarta, Indramayu and Depok but soon we hope next gigs come to us because I decided to make HELLSKUAD as serious band!

KJ: How is progress for your demo or album?

Deady: Well, so far the progress is good, we make an EP soon in early December 2011 that contains 6 songs including intro and HATEBREED cover song with our style, and in 2012 record label from Moscow [Russia] is interested to release our album but we still [are in] negotiations.  We hope [as] soon as possible... pray for us brother. \m/

[KJ: See YouTube links for HELLSKUAD demo tracks below this interview.]

KJ: Why you like to play death-metal/ grindcore? How to describe your style and what bands do you like?

Deady: We like horrible sound and emotion of this genre but we like to put hardcore breakdown to our music slamming gore groove! Sadism, heavy, and headbang always! But we don’t care [what] other people would say about our music. It’s free [world] ...[We are influenced by] great bands like as  JASAD [INDONESIA], TURBIDITY [INDONESIA], HATEBREED [USA], TERROR [USA], THICK AS BLOOD, DEAD APOCALYPSE, DEVOURMENT [USA], KRAANIUM [NORWAY] and all hardcore/slam great bands!

[KJ: See our interviews with JASAD, TURBIDITY and KRAANIUM in Interviews section of our site. New Bahasa Indonesian language version of the TURBIDITY interview will be posted soon.]

KJ: I know Bandung is huge “Death Metal City” with JASAD and BLEEDING CORPSE and TURBIDITY and JIHAD and many great bands. What is the scene like in your city?

Deady: It’s not totally different with Bandung scene but we [are] not too united like Bandung scene, we salute them!

KJ; What are your goals and plans for the band?

Deady: [To] make much albums and have a great show in our country and overseas...like Aussie, Malaysia, [and] Singapore and all great city and country! I hope [for] that :)

KJ: What jobs do you have outside of metal?

Deady: I work in a company and as music producer, Alfian as graphic design, Faizal works in film production house, Ghozza as sound engineer in his studio, [and] Uzie is employee.

KJ: Is there any problem playing metal shows in your city for example police problem?

Deady: Yes sometimes... but I think for now it doesn’t matter.

KJ: Last one: Any message or word for your fans?

Deady: Yes, thanks before for this awesome interview we so appreciate this. And get our new EP and merch called 'WAITING FOR THE ABSOLUTE REVENGE' soon in December 2011. And don’t forget to get our full album in 2012! Thanks and respect for great bands, metalheads, webzine, [and] musicians all over the world! Thanks and cheers for busukwebzine666!

KJ: Thanks very much for the interview and I hope to meet you next time I go to Java.

YouTube clips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BrFVnC67xM [HELLSKUAD, official video, “Waiting for the Ultimate Revenge”]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXjCDIC1lQM&NR=1 [HELLSKUAD demo, “Your Blood is my Pride”]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYv3pY8zLzk&feature=related [HELLSKUAD demo “Knife of Perfect Mutilation”].

Band contacts: Facebook [Hellskuad]

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