Wednesday, November 30, 2011


My interview with LaVey Pewthers (guitarist) of DEVORMITY (Bandung, Indonesia brutal old-school death-metal)

"Although we had [underachieved] in the past, but on this new album we will make a huge change for Death Metal music in Bandung" - LaVey Pewthers.

By Dr Kieran James (University of Southern Queensland)

Online Interview, 28 November 2011

DEVORMITY is: Jack on Vocal, Midz on Drums, Ekky on Bass, LaVey Pewthers on Guitar, and Anggi on Guitar.

Kieran James: Hi, mate. Thanks very much for agree to do interview with my website I share with John Yoedi, These are the questions:

KJ: First tell us the band history, like when you started and who are the members?

LaVey Pewthers: Hi, my friend. Forgive us for the late answers to the questions from you because we are busy releasing album EP. We also just finished a gig at the Bandung DEATH FEST # 5 yesterday.

LVP: DEVORMITY was born December 20th 2009; the band was formed on the strong desire of the private personnel to find success in the path of music, indie music ESPECIALLY mostly underestimated [death-metal music]. DEVORMITY consists of five personnel, Jack on Vocal, Midz on Drums, Ekky on Bass, (Me) LaVey Pewthers on Guitar, [and] Anggi on Guitar. Although we had [underachieved] in the past, but on this new album we will make a huge change for Death Metal music in Bandung.

KJ: What cities have you played shows?

LVP: We showed our [band] in Bandung, Jakarta, Bogor, Jakarta, Solo, Pekalongan, Batang, and other towns in the island of Java.

KJ: How is progress for your demo or album?

LVP: We prepare materials with different music. [As well as being influenced by] Death Metal bands in general, we bring [in] genre of technical old school death metal ... to hear the new album [it] can be downloaded at: or open our fan page / Devormity ..

KJ: Why you like to play death-metal?

LVP: Because we think of death metal music as well. Not everyone can play death metal music [as] seen from the character of the frightening vocals, fast drumming and [it] requires techniques that are not easy, and [to] play the guitar distortion is very characteristic. So, it can be concluded that the death metal music genre is not cheap.

KJ: How to describe your style and what bands do you like?

LVP: DEVORMITY carries the flow of technical death metal old school, we really like NECROPHAGIST [GERMANY], DEATH [USA], ATHEIST [USA], SUFFOCATION [USA] and SPAWN OF POSSESSION [SWEDEN].

KJ: I know Bandung is huge Death Metal City with JASAD, BLEEDING CORPSE, TURBIDITY, and JIHAD and many great bands. Do you enjoy play metal in Bandung?

LVP: Yes, we really enjoy playing music Death Metal in Bandung. Because the band members of such JASAD, BLEEDING CORPSE, TURBIDITY, and JIHAD are very friendly, they were never ashamed to mingle with Death Metal bands like us. Sometimes they also provide inputs for the advancement of Death Metal bands in Bandung.

KJ: What are your goals and plans for the band?

LVP: We hopes that the music that we present can be accepted by all music lovers of death. We also really want to play shows in foreign countries: Australia, USA, Germany, and Norway.

KJ: What jobs do you have outside of metal?

LVP: We are all in college, I went to college in Bandung STEMBI STIE Business School, Ekky Poltek POS, Anggi and Midz in UNIKOM and Jack guards internet cafe.

KJ: Is there any problems playing metal shows in your city for example police problem?

LVP: Licensing problems that are still to be debated, many elements [need to be organized] that make the events.

KJ: Last one: Any message or word for your fans?

LVP: “NOW OR NOT AT ALL”!! Do What You Would!! Support local bands!

KJ: Thanks very much for the interview.  I think I know many of your friends. I hope to see you soon in Bandung Death Metal City!

LVP: Thanks a lot buddy; I hope the support from you.

Band contact: 

Devormity - Suffering Inhuman The Impalement EP.rar

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