Wednesday, November 20, 2013

REVIEW: Review of ABRASIVE - Promo 2013 (Self-Released), by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews, 21 November 2013

Abrasive -Promo 2013 (Self-Released)

Abrasive, a highly f***ing respected band from Germany formed in 1999 with five albums and many promo, is back with their "Promo 2013" and staying f***ing true to their roots for almost 15 f***ing years! Abrasive is still playing their f***ing raw Death Metal with their touch of brutality making them a unique f***ing piece of sickness! What is damn exceptional with this band is the fact that its composed of the same f***ing line-up for 15 years, Ralf Köhler (Guitars/Vocals), Alex Ringwald (Bass/Vocals) and Alexander Mackle (Drums)! The trio still doing a f***ing excellent job, vocals of Ralf and Alex are very good, Alex on drums is f***ing flawless, the bass and guitars riffs are mostly f***ing excellent, some may seem a little less enjoyable, but the f***ing good riffs of this pure f***ing shit still make us quickly forget that! The production is f***ing excellent to all levels, mixing, sound and especially the sound of drums that I found particularly f***ing great, sounding like a f***ing ton of bricks with a snare which probably give a boner to everyone, and, the bass/guitar sound add to the 11 minutes (3 songs) the final touch to this f***ing shit of quality! A f***ing good promo that plunges us into the true f***ing essence of Death Metal and Brutal Death Metal, making us impatient for their next album! Recommended to all f***ing pure Death Metal fans! Very Good F***ing Dirty Shit! 8.5/10

[originally published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews and used here with his kind written permission.]

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