Wednesday, July 2, 2014

METAL HISTORY: Forgotten (Bandung) band picture, 1997, "Future Syndrome" era

Forgotten (Bandung) band picture, 1997 Future Syndrome era. Left to Right: Addy Gembel (voc), Kudung (drums), Toteng (guitar), Kardun (bass) & Ferly (guitar). Terima-kasih Ferly Jasad for posting this picture and Glenn Bloodgush for identifying the date & band members.
Left to Right: Jack Frost (Busuk Webzine), Popo Demons Damn, Addy Gembel Forgotten, 14 years later, 29 November 2012 @ Bandung
Left to Right: Jack Frost (Busuk Webzine), Popo Demons Damn, Addy Gembel Forgotten, 14 years later, 29 November 2012 @ Bandung
Read Busuk Webzine interview with Addy Gembel:
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