Wednesday, January 15, 2014

BAND INTERVIEW: Rise Of Avernus (3/01/2014), By Collin Brophy

Q. ROA has come a long way from that very first show at the Valve Bar, why do you think that is?

Well, all the members of RoA were active with other bands prior to commencing the project so we had previous experience behind us which definitely helped us to hit the ground running, plus we had a very clear vision about what we wanted to achieve musically and professionally

Q. ROA has played with some amazing international bands, Apocalyptica and Enslaved just to mention a couple. What was it like to support and hang out with the guys from Enslaved?
Touring with Enslaved was a great experience, they put on a superb show night after night and we were very fortunate to be a part of it, they are all very genuine and down to earth people which made for a really enjoyable tour.
Q. ROA are lined up to support the mighty Rotting Christ, how did you manage to get the supporting spot and how excited are you guys for this show?
We are thrilled to be part of HEAVYFEST as relatively new band on the scene we do get asked a lot about the ‘how’.
To be honest there were a couple of contributing factors, sometimes it’s just a case of submitting an application, you never really know what the promoter is looking for, and because our sound spans over such a broad spectrum of sub-genres its does help us greatly in that regard. Considering we are a very active band and the new album also features quite a lot of orchestration.
Q. All members in ROA have different musical influences. How does this reflect in the style of music you play?

We listen to a wide variety of music. Ben is a massive Pink Floyd fan, and influenced by bands such as Alice in Chains, Gojira, Isis and Opeth. Dan is heavily influenced by jazz and funk, Bands like Bohren & Der Club Of Gore, Morphine, Red Snapper. Matthew is a huge fan of Die Antwoord, The Shining (NOR). Cat is influenced by and takes a classical music approach to her piano riffs.
We write with duelling layered male vocals with the call and response of the female vocals. The 3 vocalists are more of an element within the music, they are there to tell a story and enhance the atmosphere of the music rather than have vocals as a fronted focal point. The next album will focus on this element even more so…

Q. What kinds of things inspire musically and lyrically? Are there any types of themes that you like to write and incorporate in to you music? Are there any messages in your music that you are trying to get out there in your music?

There is usually a theme and a storyline in the lyrical content of our songs, these may come from personal experiences, dreams, literature or film. I wouldn’t say there is a specific message or anything directive in our lyrics though. We aren’t trying to tell you anything.... We would you rather tell yourself, paint your own picture. The lyrics are there, interpret them how you will.

Q. How is your album being received by the fans? Any feedback from the fans on the on the album?
The album has been getting great online reviews since the Australian release, our fans have given us a lot of positive feedback and support. With our international release only a couple of weeks away, it will be interesting how it will be received globally. Whoever listens to it seems to enjoy it.
Q. ROA are doing an Australian tour to support the new album, what is it like playing with so many talented Australian metal bands?

It’s great. There are so many passionate and talented musicians, some great people involved in supporting the scene here in Australia. The opportunities we have had to the share the stage with both international and local/interstate bands has been awesome.

Q. Who and how did you come up with the album name, and the album cover? Who was the artist that did the cover?
When we were discussing ideas for an album title, Matthew approached Ben and suggested it, Straight away is felt very fitting and we all agreed that it would be perfect title for our debut album. The underlying theme for the album is that of confronting internal struggles, facing mortality, The beginning and end of life.
We asked Seth Anton from SepticFlesh to design our album cover, The band are huge fans of his music and artwork.
It is a pleasure working with a professional and talented artist.
Q. Do all of the band members have a say in the writing process of the music and lyrics?

Ben will usually compose the songs at his home (December Void studio). After the demos are completed, it is then introduced to everyone else, dissected, refined, sometimes rewritten… each song has its own unique process to complete

Q. So what does the future hold for ROA?

We have recently have signed to AuralMusic/Code666 for our European release and we are currently half way through writing our second album. Which is going to be more experimental, yet very RoA sounding also.
As for the future?
Write Record, Release, and Tour and perform

Thank you for your time and thank you for this opportunity to interview you.

Interview conducted by Collin Brophy

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