Saturday, November 2, 2013

CD REVIEWS : INFINITE DEFILEMENT (New South Wales, Australia) "Disgorging Humanity", by John Yoedi

INFINITE DEFILEMENT ‘Disgorging Humanity’

Released by Deformed Fetus Productions

Tracklist :
1. Evolution is Law                             02.41
2. Crushing the Heretic                       04.15
3. Warped Morality                             04.06
4. Monster of Society                          04.12
5. Disposable Fortitude                       03.49
6. Innoncence Condemned                  04.34
7. Mindless Acts of Brutality                03.04
8. Methodical Degradation                   04.28
9. Human Reduction                           04.02
10.The End.....                                  02.59
11. Methodical Degradation (With real
Drummer, Bonus track)                       03.58

Band Members
Jacob Smith          : Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drum Programming

INFINITE DEFILEMENT merupakan band brutal death metal yang berasal dari New South Wales-Australia. Band ini terbentuk cukup lama, sekitar tahun 2007 dan telah menghasilkan beberapa mahakarya yang dahsyat yang diantaranya : Perpetual Desecration of Being (Demo 2008), Promo 2008, One Man 3 Way Split (Split 2008), Disgorging Humanity (Full Length 2009) dan Euthanize the Insignificant (Single 2013). Did you know, this band only have one sickest member dan dia adalah Jacob Smith. Beberapa minggu yang lalu sebelum saya berangkat ke Rumah sakit di Jakarta untuk melanjutkan pengobatan kemoterapi, Jacob telah mengirimkan file audio dari album ‘Disgorging Humanity’ ke Busuk Webzine dan yang mana ini merupakan first full length album yang dirilis ditahun 2009 oleh Deformed Fetus Productions dan berisikan 11 track include Bonus track with f***in real drummer. Total durasi yang diberikan pada album pertama ini hampir sekitar 42 menit dengan menggusung konsep yang slamming guttural brutal death, album ini benar-benar sangat menjanjikan dan mengajak kita tiada hentinya untuk berheadbanging. The music is play brutal and fast but do often shift to moderate parts. It works like it should, and combined with some catchy and good riffs. The vocals deep and guttural are go well with the music and more varied. The production is clean, but it has the needed bite not to take away the strength of the music. It’s nice to be able to hear most of the things going on in the songs also the songs are fairly diverse. And the band does provide in the music with a sense of identity and its clear that he rely on various influences in brutal death music. Walaupun band ini menggunakan drums programming namun musik yang dihasilkan cukup memuaskan dan tentunya kalian bisa mengetahui perbedaannya ketika dalam sebuah band menggunakan the real drummer dengan drums programming. Banyak sekali kita pernah mendengar band yang hanya berpersonilkan satu orang diluar sana seperti : Putrid Pile, Egemony, Insidious Decrepancy dan masih banyak lagi but of course for Infinite Defilement....he is very talent and smart also tried to make different sickest sound for his band than other bands. So untuk kalian yang doyan untuk dengerin brutal slamming with groove parts, tidak ada salahnya kalian untuk mengoleksi cd dari band Aussie ini. 7.5/10.

(Direview oleh : John Yoedi)

Here some band links if you want to know more :

Here is f***in sickest band from New South Wales/NSW, Australia. The band is called INFINITE DEFILEMENT and playing brutal death metal. The band formed in 2007 and have had some release such as Perpetual Desecration of Being (Demo 2008), Promo 2008, One Man 3 Way Split (Split 2008), Disgorging Humanity (Full Length 2009) and Euthanize the Insignificant (Single 2013). Did you know, this band only have one sickest member and his name Jacob Smith. A few weeks ago before i went to chemoteraphy treatment in hospital Jakarta, Jacob sent me audio file from ‘Disgorging Humanity’ album and It’s first full length album from his band. It has released in 2009 by Deformed Fetus Productions (United States) with 11 tracks include Bonus track with f***in real drummer. All duration time for this album about 42 minutes with f***in great slamming guttural brutal death, and the album is really really exciting and we can’t stop to headbanging when we heard it. The music is play brutal and fast but do often shift to moderate or almost slow parts. It works like it should, and combined with some catchy and good riffs. The vocals go well with the music and more varied. The production is clean, but it has the needed bite not to take away the strength of the music. It’s nice to be able to hear most of the things going on in the songs also the songs are fairly diverse. And the band does provide in the music with a sense of identity and its clear that he rely on various influences in brutal death music. Although this band used drums programming but the music is really great and as i told the production is clean. And beside that we have to know about how is difference sound between when we using drums programming and with real drummer.....of course it will be so difference. So, if you like brutal slamming with groove parts, i suggest for you all to add Aussie band ‘Infinite Defilement’ Cd to your collection. 7.5/10.

(Reviewed by : John Yoedi)

Here some band links if you want to know more :

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