Sunday, September 1, 2013


Released by Pagan Pride Records
Track list :
1. Fascination with Your Death    02.59
2. Object of Perfect Torture        02.48
3. Into the Frozen Tomb            03.09
4. Murdered and Mutilated         02.41
5. Corpse Collector                   02.49
6. Machete                              03.33
7. Suffocated in a Bodybag        03.12
8. Self Inflicated Flame Engulfment  03.20
9. The Reaper Always Wins       03.47
10. Death on the River             05.18

Band Members :
Phil Good : Bass
Steve Forbes : Guitars, Vocals (backing)
Abe Simmerman : Vocals
Paul Good : Drums

Created To Kill band yang berasal dari Kentucky Death Metal-USA ini telah memuntahkan new second full length album yang diberi title ‘Death’s Construction’ dengan 10 track dengan total durasi sekitar 33 menit yang dirilis oleh 2 label yaitu Ungodly Ruins Productions dari Rusia dan Pagan Pride Records dari USA. Sungguh sebuah penantian yang cukup lama, selama hampir 5 tahun sejak dikeluarkan album sebelumnya yaitu Worship Or Die ditahun 2008. Namun hasil kerja keras mereka selama 5 tahun ini perlu diacungi jempol karena album kedua ini benar-benar sangat menjanjikan dan sangat berbeda dengan album sebelumnya. Proses recorded, mixed, dan mastered telah dilakukan di Velocity Studios Cave City, KY sekitar bulan September 2012 sampai Maret 2012. Album kedua mereka ini juga ditangani oleh sang engineering oleh Scott Briggs dan di produced oleh Scott Briggs dan Created To Kill. Di awali dengan lagu pertama ‘Fascination With Your Death’ yang mana lagu ini langsung menghantam gendang telinga kita dengan gempuran blasting drums dari Paul Good dan mengajak kita langsung ingin berheadbanging. Dilanjutkan kemudian dengan lagu ‘Object Of Perfect Torture’, disini kita bisa mendengarkan sedikit permainan gitar technical dari Steve Forbes yang sangat brillian dan karakter vocal yang tidak monoton pula. Into the Frozen Tomb yang merupakan lagu ketiga pada album ini yang mana karakter vocal growl dan scream saling bersahut-sahutan. Well, overall....Sound pada album ini sangat berat dan sangat cocok dimainkan untuk semua band-band brutal death metal. Secara musically album kedua ini sangat lebih baik dan menyuguhkan sound yang sangat brutal, raw dan pure sick. Permainan riff-riff gitar dari Steve Forbes really f***ing sick and technically serta tanpa memberi ampun, Typical vocal growl dan scream dari Abe Simmerman is f***ing great too serta blasting sick drums dari Paul Good membuat album kedua ini menjadi tambah sadis serta masuknya Phil Good di album kedua yang telah mengisi posisi bass juga memberikan suatu nilai tambahan dan semakin sadis.....seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa Phil Good juga adalah member dari Necrotic Disgorgement dan juga merupakan twin brother dari Paul Good dan kini Phil Good telah menjadi bagian dari Created To Kill. Mereka sangat brillian dalam mengkomposisikan musik pada Created To Kill...It  is f***ing great dan sound yang dihasilkan juga sangat perfect. Pengerjaan artwork pada cover albumnya juga sangat profesional yang dikerjakan oleh Shaman Gibson and its f***ing gore artwork....terlihat seperti korban mutilasi yang dipotong-potong menggunakan f***ing sick art. Album ‘Death’s Construction’ adalah album yang benar-benar amazing dibanding album sebelumnya, dengan Old school brutal death metalnya yang mana album ini patut dikoleksi oleh para death freaks semua! It’s higly recommended to all f***ing brutal death fans ! 9/10.
(Di review oleh : John Yoedi)

Created To Kill band from Kentucky Death Metal – USA has released the new second full length album ‘Death’s Construction’ with 10 tracks and a total duration of about 33 minutes and it's released by two label are Ungodly Ruins Productions from Russian and Pagan Pride Records from USA.  It’s been a very long time waiting, for almost five years since the previous album ‘Worship Or Die’ which was released in 2008. We have to give them two thumbs up for their hard work over the past 5 years because the new second album is really very promising and very different than the previous album. Starting with the first song ‘Your Fascination With Death’, this song directly hits our eardrums with a surprising blasting drums from Paul Good and wants us to go head banging. Then followed by the song ‘Object Of Perfect Torture’ and here we can hear very brilliant technical guitars from Steve Forbes, also the characters vocals are not monotonous. ‘Into the Frozen Tomb’ which is the third song on this album and here the character growl and scream vocals are alternateted. Well, overall.....The sound for this album is very heavy and very ideal for all brutal death metal bands. And also musically for the new second album the sound is very great and very brutal, raw and pure sick. All guitar riffs from Steve Forbes are really f***ing sick and technical without giving mercy; the growl and scream vocals typical of Abe Simmerman are f***ing great too, blasting sick drums from Paul Good to make this second album more sadistic, on this second album Phil Good has joined the band as a Bass player and makes their music more brutal and sick. As we all know Phil Good is also a member of Necrotic Disgorgement and also twin brother of Paul Good and this time he is part of Created To Kill. They are very brilliant for composing the music for Created To Kill, It’s very f***ing great and also the sound produced is very perfect. For the artwork on the cover of the album it is very professionally done by Shaman Gibson and it’s f***ing gore artwork.....looks like mutilation and victim cut using f***ing sick art ! Death’s Construction album is really amazing compared to the previous album, with Old school brutal death metal. We all must have their latest album and It’s highly recommended to all f***ing brutal death fans ! 9/10
(Reviewed by John Yoedi)

You can order the f***ing sick NEW CD to this link: 

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