Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fuckin sick Death Metal Slam 'Raped By Pigs' (Lima - Peru) Interview with Cesar Pigs

Don’t hurt me
Entombed, entombed campaign
You’re the first that falls in contagion
You’re the first man from pain
You’re the first man that falls in contagion
You’re the first man from pain
Waking, waking thirsty zombies, thirsty zombies

(Lyric taken from ‘Sores of Affliction’ song by Raped By Pigs)

RAPED BY PIGS formed by 5 fuckin young guys in Lima – Peru and they are : Cesar Pigs as Vocals, Renzo Ozner as Guitars, Warpigs as Guitars, Joe Hoyle as Drums and Reek as Bass. They are really fuckin great Death Metal Slam. In 2009 they have released Mcd album ‘Contamination Of Whore’ and then in 2011, Fernando from Pathologically Explicit Records (Cordoba-Spain) so interest to released their Mcd album ‘Gushing Orgasms 2’ with 8 tracks and taken 4 song from first Mcd. Just new news from RBP they still preparing new material for released new full length album soon and then next year 2013 they will be going to tour in USA….wow, thats sound good. I bet they really so happy with the news and RBP fans cant wait to watching them on stage.
For this interview, Cesar Pigs (vocals) give us chance to answer it. So lets check it now and enjoy ….. \m/

John Yoedi : Hi Cesar. How are you ? First of all for agreeing to this interview. And I Hope you are well there. Congratulations on the new MCD album, I have to admit it is my first real exposure to the band. Your new MCD album ‘Gushing Orgasm 2’ is one brutal slam effort and really kickin' ass. Would you say the responses you have had are what you were expecting? Are you satisfied with that ?

Cesar : First at all, thanks you John for the interview, well the responses that we have about this Mcd are good at most people who really enjoy our music style, you know…people after watch our video clip stay with hungry about more material or stuff from the band, we decide make this Mcd as an advance of our full Cd album, you know we have to work very hard to get it ASAP. We are not satisfied with only a Mcd out, this just started, we’re very ambitious in order to give people a good putrid new material.

JY : Tell us about Where you guys met and decided to form the band ? What’s the current line up ? Any changed line up before ?

Cesar : Ok ! Ozner,Joe and I met on school and our neighborhoods were closer. So we very often share our music stuff and decide to make a band project. It was good for a while then we start a really sick project. We enter to studio and after our ‘Demo Ep’ in 2009 we put in contact with warpig to play guitar. And later reek joins us to play sick bass on 2011.

JY :  How would you describe your music to anyone who hasn’t heard Raped by Pigs ?

Cesar : SLAM METAL very knows as Death Metal Slam, maybe we don’t have a virtous technic to play but we have the power of blow your skull.

JY : What made you choose to play death metal slam ? Which bands inspired you back in the day to start playing death metal ?

Cesar : We decide to make a brutal band, we have some habilitties to play and start our band, we take some influences of many bands from America, Europe and Asian brutal bands.

JY : Where did the band name come from and how does it fit with the sound of the music ?

Cesar : The name come from nothing, the name would be ‘Piara Rapist’ until one day I saw a truck full of dead pigs on the road near my home. And I said ‘RAPED BY PIGS’, so we get fuck every whore ! it fits well, when we songwrite we have pure evil. You know… we want to disembowel those girls who said be queit and like girl angels but they are more bitches than whores.

JY : Would you like to tell us briefly about your MCD album ‘Gushing Orgasm 2’. Where was the MCD album recorded, who is producing it and how long did the process take ? Also how many copies ?

Cesar : It was recorded in many studios, we take the best from they, Oscar Herrera mix the songs, then we send to the savage man Daniel Castleman to masterize it, our label only release 500 copies to collect money for a good production of our Cd album coming this year.

JY : Do you have a favourite track off the new MCD album ‘Gushing Orgasm 2 ?

Cesar : I like all tracks, they are my babies.

JY : What kinds of things inspire you musically and lyrically? Would you say that there are any particular themes that you like to talk about in your songs, and that it’s important to have some sort of message to put forward in your music ?

Cesar : We inspire on human life with mental disorders or strange behaviours sometimes about head sickness and shit on the brain. We don’t put any message in our songs we only let sick people hear our sick music.

JY : Would you say that it is important to you that you develop your own original sound rather than simply jumping on what other bands are doing and following the trends?

Cesar : Hahaha, what you hear is what you feel, we don’t jump like rabbits but we can sound like the holy shit. Get our own sound not to be easy at first, we learn in every fucking rehearsal to set of our amps and effects, get the brutal sound requires many time of practice alone and together. We breath sick music and dream in sick music, we have to cacth something of every brutal band that we hear, in a subconscious and unconscious way.

JY : Which bands have been your biggest influences and how much inspiration do you actually take from them?

Cesar : Dripping, Cadaverment, Impetigo, Dying Fetus, Devourment, Cannibal Corpse, Internal Bleeding and more. All that’s my inspiration when I hear his music my arteries explodes.

JY : Are the members of Raped by Pigs involved in other projects, or is this your main concern?

Cesar : Well, Joy Hoyle (drums) play in two band apart, the rest of the band members only focus in RAPED BY PIGS, RBP always will live on me, its part of my life.

JY : You signed with Pathologically Explicit Records from Spain, how did that deal come around ? Are you satisfied with things like promotion and such ? And will you releasing debut album with them ?

Cesar : The deals with Pathologically Explicit Records are well, we are ok with the promotion and merch, maybe we release our album with PE Records too.

JY : And what kind of label would you consider signing with ?

Cesar : I consider to sign with a major label, like Nuclear Blast… when we don’t only receive Cd’s that I keep in my cabinet. We seek a total production, tours, etc.

JY : How the metal scene is in Lima-Peru ? Are you involved with a scene in your local area ? And are there any lesser known Lima-Peru bands that you would recommend ?

Cesar : The metal scene is good, but about Slam isn’t good at all, there’s no slam bands, but it don’t cares, we follow working.

JY : What kits/equipments do you use to record and do you use the same amp/guitars etc for live shows ?

Cesar : Line 6, BC Rich, Meinl, Ludwig, D’Addario Strings are the principal trademarks to get our sound.

JY : What are your thoughts on piracy? Do downloads hurt the band or just the corporations? 

Cesar : In my country, piracy is everywhere, unfortunately for them Downloads are under permission of our label in some sites.

JY : I was read from one blog about comment from NikFuck and he said like this : ‘Hey man this is Nik from Sikfuk. Just was informed that you have my new cd up for download on your blogspot site. I would appreciate it if you took it down asap ! I know almost all cds can be found for free download but myself and steve green of comatose music have invested a lot of time and money into releasing this cd and for you to posting it up for free not too fuckin cool with me. If you support the underground brutal death metal scene as your site looks like you do why the fuck are you giving away bands and labels music that they have invested much time and money on for free. Do me a favor and take shit down and support your fucking scene and buy a cd’. Well… I think what his said that’s correct and maybe if someone to post a few songs (2-3) up to help promote, it that would be cool or check their song by their site such as myspace,facebook or reverbnation. So what do you think about this ?

Cesar : Well, I am not against the downloads, but if its an album premier maybe infringers some piracy policies. The internet sometimes could your friend and your enemy is some cases.

JY : Will you going to complain them if you see your debut album, available on their site as free download albums ?

Cesar : We have our Demo-Ep posted to download in sites without label nor under our permissions too. What I’d hope when we have our Cd out !
JY : I just want to know what do you think about pirated merchandise, because I see a lot of fake t-shirts, etc. ?

Cesar : Oh, c’mon! We uploaded many merch mock ups man ! Because people who work in merch with us are not in front of us to take a fuckin picture of our merch as we want it and when we want it. They work in different countries to take a fuckin pic and send it tom me, if the pic is good we post if not we don’t. Actually we have more than 7 models of t-shirt and sweaters to our fan collection, caps, flexi-caps, beanies, patches, stickers and always with new items in stuff for merch, after buy our merch fans upload his own pics to put on our ‘REPPING THE PIGS’ Facebook section.

JY : What the future hope and next plans for the band ?

Cesar : Record our full Cd album, each time sickest and more brutal than ever, we hope be on tour in your country and maybe another places out of our country, with our Cd under our arms.

JY : Thank you very much for your time and it was a pleasure to speak to you. Best of Luck. Anything you wish to add to conclude this interview ? And also for Busuk Webzine and our readers ?

Cesar : Thank you John for the interview, thanks for support the metal and remember, we make your sick brain cumming and cumming.

If you want to know more about this band, dont be hesitate to check their link here : 

(Interviewed by John Yoedi, January 22,2012)

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