Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Interview with fuckin sick Death Metal from Greece 'MURDER MADE GOD'

Murder Made God band Death Metal from Greece formerly know as Human Rejection and i bet all death freak known about this great band before. And since last year 2011, actually in December they released new 3 promo songs. In musically the band will continue from where Human Rejection stopped as there is a lot of brutal,modern and aggressive death metal. They really fuckin sick band and i like it.

Well, Busuk webzine got chance to do an interview with them....so lets check here :

JY : Hi Dennis. How are you there ?  Thanks first of all for agreeing to this interview with Busuk Webzine. I really appreciate it. And I Hope you are well there. Anyway, How are things going at the moment for Murder Made God ?

MMG : Hello John ! Respectively, I have to thank you for this interview. To start with, I have to say that the situation here in Greece becomes all the more difficult to stand due to the economic crisis. But, anyway, we try our best. As regards Murder Made God, at this time, we are in a productive stage composing songs for our first full length album.

JY : What made you guys get together to form Murder Made God ? Can you give our readers a briefly history of the band ?
MMG : What made us stay together and form Murder Made God is the passion to continue playing our music and our strong understanding of each other. Murder Made God consists of Dennis(guitars), Stelios(bass), Chris(drums) and George on vocals(Margin of Existence). Essentially, all started after HR split when we decided to form another band. Then, the only thing we have to do was to find a singer. After searching for a while George joined the band and here we are.

JY : Any particular meaning for band name ?

MMG : Actually the name is an idea of our friend and producer Stelios "Stelth" Koslidis. The name of our band can be seen in a variety of meanings. Someone might translate it as a nihilistic way of acting and thinking because of  the strong difference between birth and murder which has to do with death. Others could take it as an opposing and critical message to dominating religions.

JY : Your new promo album 2011 is one brutal effort and really kickin' ass. Would you say the responses you have had are what you were expecting? Are you satisfied with that ?

MMG : Firstly, I would like to thank you for your kind words. We are much appreciated. The feedback we receiving for the promo songs is very positive and satisfying that makes us stronger to continue trying for the best in the future.

JY : Would you like to tell us briefly about recording process for promo album ? Who did you work with ? And did everything go to plan ?

MMG : The recording for this promo started at the beginning of December 2011. It took us about three weeks of hard work to finish it. The man behind music production of this promo is Stelios "Stelth" Koslidis (Human Rejection, Margin of Existenence, Head Cleaner, Mass Infection e.t.c.) who recorded, mixed and mastered it. I have to say that the collaboration between us was absolutely great and professional which led everything to go as we wanted.

JY : How would you describe Murder Made God in musical output ?

MMG : Musically I can describe our band as a Brutal, Modern and Aggressive Death Metal band. In a way the band continues from where HR stopped with some evolutionary changes on the vocals which are only in the exhale style and more brutal. As regards the guitars and rhythm session we tried to put our attention on playing and composing a more aggressive and ‘in your face’ but varying death metal style.

JY : Who did the artwork for the promo album and who came up with the concept ? And did you like it ?

MMG : George (vocals) is behind promo’s artwork. The concept came up with the references of our name. But in this case we use the more nihilistic characteristics of it. Murder is the dominating atmosphere of the artwork but we live it to you people suppose the murderer .

JY : In promo album 2011, I can feel in music it’s more technical and heavily guitars, more blast beat drumming, deep growling vocals and complex song structures with multiple tempo changes. How do you feel the music on ‘promo album 2011’ has developed or progressed ?

MMG : Yes, indeed, I have to agree with you on your description. For us the music is something that come from inside. We always played what expressed us more and that is we are doing right now. We also believe in the progression of the music. So, it was a matter of time to be expressed with the release of this promo which has developing characteristics.
JY : How would you compare music/sound from Murder Made God and Human Rejection ? Is it a bit different or ?

MMG : As I said previously Murder Made God musically continue from where HR stopped. If  I had to compare them I could tell you that Murder Made God is the development of the previous stuff in a more modern and aggressive style. With one word I consider that the standard of music/sound have become more professional.

JY : How big a role do the lyrics play for the band and music ?

MMG : We deem the lyrics as an integral piece in our music generally. We express ourselves and our thoughts through these words. Consequently, lyrics are a part of our music which we take seriously into consideration.

JY :What kind of things do you write about in your lyrics ? Would you say your lyrics have any kind of theme?

MMG : Well, I can say that our lyrics have to do both with social and political issues. We try to describe the circumstances people living in a world which is full of misery, poverty, death and corrupted politics. Our aim is to help people understand the situation they live in and act for their freedom.

JY : Describe each of your instruments sound and bands influence to come up with your current playing style.

MMG : I think that every instrument has different energy and role but all we try to do is to mix them all together for the best sound. Actually we like the heavy and clear guitars, the robust bass lines and the sound of intense drumming. As for the influences I will distinguish bands like Decapitated, Dying Fetus, Morbid Angel and more.

JY : Would you say that it is important to you that you develop your own original sound rather than simply jumping on what other bands are doing and following the trends?

MMG : I think that the most essential is to follow your own style and develop it. But when producing music you realise that you carry a lot of characteristics in the form of influences. Thus, being influenced is something absolutely rational and positive. So I consider that influences could be used only to recreate and develop your own style. I am not in favour of those who copy a style or a trend and just present it as theirs.   

JY : How many killer songs will be available for the debut album ? Will you taking songs from your promo album to the debut album ? When are we likely to see a release date?

MMG : The debut album possibly will be consisted of 8-9 songs. The songs from the promo will be recorded again and will be included in the full album. Regarding the release date we hope that the full length will be ready until July 2012.

JY : Where will you going to make a deal to labels/records for the debut album?

MMG : At this time we are trying to find a label to make a deal for the debut album. We already talk with some labels but with are at the first stages of the contacts. So, I don’t have something certain to announce. Stay tuned for updates on this matter.

JY : And what kind of label would you consider signing/deal with ?

MMG : The kind of label we are looking for one which could provide us help for the recordings, help us arrange gigs or tours all over the world and last but not least distribute our music to all the more people out there. 

JY : Many brutal death metal releases only clock around 30 minutes. Do you think it’s due to lack of material or is this mainly done because otherwise it would just seem to long and perhaps monotone ?

MMG : Indeed, what you say is something normal for the brutal death metal bands. I also think that the reason for this is mainly the fear of becoming monotone not musically but from the aspect of extremity. I believe that an album approximately of half an hour is the best concept for a brutal band so as its material to be taken into consideration more carefully.

JY : What kits/equipments do you use to record and do you use the same amp/guitars etc for live shows ?

MMG : We use Schecter Guitars Black Jack C-7, Ibanez Bass SR 905, Iron Cobra pedals. Also for the guitar amp we use Borner Uberschall. For live shows we use the same instruments but not the same amps because we have difficulty to get our studio equipment with us.

JY : What are your thoughts on piracy? Do downloads hurt the band or just the corporations? 

MMG : I think that is good for everyone to have free music downloads. Maybe is a good way of promotion but if you really love your music you have to support it as hard as you can with buying cd’s, merch and be a part of the shows! We have to understand that every band need it.
Otherwise the damages for bands and corporations are really big.

JY : I was read from one blog about comment from NikFuck and he said like this : ‘Hey man this is Nik from Sikfuk. Just was informed that you have my new cd up for download on your blogspot site. I would appreciate it if you took it down asap ! I know almost all cds can be found for free download but myself and steve green of comatose music have invested a lot of time and money into releasing this cd and for you to posting it up for free not too fuckin cool with me. If you support the underground brutal death metal scene as your site looks like you do why the fuck are you giving away bands and labels music that they have invested much time and money on for free. Do me a favor and take shit down and support your fucking scene and buy a cd’. Well… I think what his said that’s correct and maybe if someone to post a few songs (2-3) up to help promote, it that would be cool or check their song by their site such as myspace,facebook or reverbnation. So what do you think about this ?

MMG : Yeah I agree with you. The best way in this case is to post a few songs or check out the bands profiles as you said.I am not saying that if someone post our cd for download  I will punch him (Something that happened with Human Rejection albums) but  Imagine that if you don’t support some bands maybe they will not be able to release something more in the future or book some more tourdates.Also some fests will disappear too.

JY : Will you going to complain them if you see your debut album, available on their site as free download albums ?

MMG : No man! Definitely not.

JY : How the metal scene is in Greece ? Are you involved with a scene in your local area ? And are there any lesser known Greece bands that you would recommend ?

MMG : We have really great and brutal bands in Greece. I will recommend you some of my favorites bands from my city that are well known suchs as ,Terrordrome , Genna Apo Kwlo , Head Cleaner ,Mass Infection, Erectus etc.

JY Can you tell me a little bit about your lives away from Murder Made God ? Such as work and etc. 

MMG : Some of as have daily jobs and some others try to find something to earn some money, even part time jobs.Actually the situation here is shity.

JY : Did you know about brutal death metal bands from Indonesia ? 

MMG : Of course! You have some very good bands there. Jasad is one of them.

JY : What are your own plans with Murder Made God at the moment ? like shows, writing new song and etc ?

MMG : Now we are working on new songs for the MMG debut album. Hope everything will be ready until this summer. Also we have one show here in Greece and maybe we gonna book some more gigs or even a mini tour.

JY : Do you listen to other genres of metal at all? If so, what artists/bands? And give us top ten brutal death metal albums in your favourite list ?

MMG : Yeah I am listening to lots of metal genres. Some of these bands are Nevermore ,Mastodon, Pantera etc.
For the top ten death metal albums I will  distinguish:
Dying Fetus – Destroy the Opposition
Beneath The Massacre – Dystopia
Unmerciful – Unmerciful Beaten
Decapitated – Organic Hallucinosis
Devourment – 1.3.8
Origin – Echos of  Decimation
Disgorge – Parallels of Infinity Torture
Swwaats – The grand partition…
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten
Hate Eternal - Conquering the Throne
And much more….

JY : Ok thanks again for the chance to do this interview, If you have any last message for Busuk webzine and Death freaks here, please go head ?

MMG : Thanks once again for the interview! Really appriciated. Go check Murder Made God if you didn’t and give us your support. Stay Brutal!

Check and visit their link here :

(Interviewed by : John Yoedi, January 23rd 2012)

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