Sunday, December 18, 2011


My interview with Oki Autist (guitar) of JANIN (DEPOK, West Java, Indonesia brutal death-metal)
By Dr Kieran James (University of Southern Queensland)

Email Interview, 17 December 2011

JANIN is: Adit War Wir (Vocals), Oki Autist (Guitar1), Novandamn (Guitar2), S.D. (Bass), and Koko Expired (Drums). 

Kieran James: Hi, mate. Thanks very much for agree to do interview with our website These are the questions:

KJ: First tell us the band history, like when you start and who are the members?

Oki: Hi James, Thanks James for interview me, hehe, regards. Emmm [we began] from [an] interest in music [of] brutal death metal. JANIN formed when we were still in high school around the year 2009. At that time JANIN consisted of: Adit War Wir (Vocals), Oki Autist (Guitar1), Novandamn (Guitar2), S.D. (Bass) and Gilang Nocturnal (Drums). But in mid-2010 Gilang Nocturnal resigned and then [was] replaced by Koko Expired. We have [had] no other changes [after this].

KJ: What cities have you played shows?

Oki: We’re still playing in Java Island, and maybe there are plans [for] promo tour , [we] wait for the info.

KJ: How is progress for your demo or album?

Oki: Progress demos 2011 had good response, and it motivated us to complete our album - hopefully soon [the album will be] realized.

KJ: I like this question. It gets people to think. Why you like to play death-metal?

Oki: First, because we love this music. From there came the soul in our music and that supports everything [and it will help us to] stay there [playing death-metal].

KJ: How to describe your style and what bands do you like?

Oki: We play Brutal Death Metal music, so many Brutal Death Metal Bands inspire us like CENOTAPH, INVERACITY [GERMANY], PATHOLOGY [USA], DISGORGE [USA], WOUNDEEP [JAPAN] and many more hehehe...

KJ: What are your favourite Indonesia bands and why?

Oki: [There are] so many Indonesian bands that I like such as DAGING TIKUS, FRODHOS DEATH, GORE WHORE, ABSORPTION, EXPENDIENCY and many more....

[KJ: See my interview with EXPENDIENCY on this website]

KJ: What are your goals and plans for the band?

Oki: Finish our album; [we] may soon begin recordings in the next year. We hope to run well.

KJ:  What jobs do you have outside of metal?

Oki: I’m a student college at University of Jakarta, Indonesia.

KJ: What city in Indonesia has best scene for death-metal and why?

Oki: Emmm I think Jogjakarta, because I like [the] people; it's friendly and solid community. Jogjakarta [has] a lot [of] quality bands although JANIN [did] not originate from there hehehehe....

[KJ: In our "NO PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS" Death-Metal Special this week I will post great interviews with Yogya bands DEATH VOMIT, VENOMED, DEADLY WEAPON and DETRITIVOR. Let us hope that I can post them all before 25 December.]

KJ: How is the death-metal in your city and what are the best bands?

Oki: In DEPOK is very good. Here that community has come together almost every week. I think [my favorite DEPOK band is] DAGING TIKUS because the people are very humorous persons hahahaha, I like their music and killer vocals!

KJ: Last one: Any message or word for your fans?

Oki: Thanks James for this interview session. For all headbangers I just say: “Thanks for the support, keep the spirit in [all] your days, and [find] out more info about JANIN on”.

KJ: Thanks very much for the interview and I hope to meet you next time I go to Java.Terimakasih.

Oki: Yeah thanks to James see you in DEPOK. You can contact me if you come here.

KJ: Sure, I will see you there, maybe February 2012. Please promote our website in lovely downtown DEPOK. Stay metal!

1 comment:

  1. JANIN ! the best brutaldeathmetal from NIRWANA UNDERGROUND !
