Sunday, November 13, 2011



This time i got answered interview from TOTAL BUSUK, band from Samarinda - East Kalimantan. they playing 'Brutal Barbaric Death Metal' and they also playing a lots of gigs in East Kalimantan. Great performance, i seen them last time at Sulung Extreme Fest 16 Oct 2011 in Samarinda. Well here my interview for them ....lets check it out

Hails ! How are things in the TOTAL BUSUK camp ?

Hello Yoedi … Things are going great over here. Now we are going to making of newest killer promo's and then planning for our debut album in end of this year or early next year, and also draw up for our show in many Metal event in East Kalimantan.  

Firstly, Hummm… I know this is boring question for beginning an interview hahaha.  lets talking about How did the band get together ?  Could you give our readers here a briefly history of the band ?

Hahaha … Yeah … TOTAL BUSUK  Formed in 2005 at Samarinda – East Kalimantan, with the first line up : Agus Busuk (Guitars/Growl), Roin (Bass) And Fendy (Drums). Like the other Death Metal bands, we had experienced of many problem, so that happened several times, We changed of personnel. And now, entering 7th  years, We got great Fuckin line up here, since 2010, there is Agus Busuk (Guitars), Puput (Guttural), Ares (Bass) and Kova (Drums)

Are there good planned from Total Busuk, such as writing new material for debut album or ?

Our plan, otherwise there is barrier, in this year-end or early next year, we will be enter studio to  record the first album items of us … And then going to find a label and release it.

Would you like to tell us, how many song from Total Busuk since the band started ?

Hahaha, there is about six song we have it , from 2005 to 2009, but no once created to the demo, it just used to play in gigs … And the new promo song from new line up in 2010, we already have one song 'Sayap Hitam Sang Pendosa', and new material for debut album, we have 7 new killer song (US Carnivore Barbaric Death Metal) …  Beware with the fuckin Musick from us !

Tell us more about your compilation from some label/record ? and did you satisfied ?

‘Muda Berpacu’ (2010) and  Agents Of Brutality 2 (2011). And there is a many promotion we joined with, such as Samarinda Metal Fest III Promo pack, Samarinda Metal Fest IV Promo Pack, Sulung Death Fest Promo Pack, and More … All of compilation is a special thing to us.

What bands do you listen to yourself and what bands give you inspiration ?

Especially there is Suffocation, Disgorge (US), Necrophagist, Pyaemia, Pathology, Brodequin, Septycal Gorge, Peshmerga, and many others brutal death metal bands who give me inspiration and create our musick concept.

What’s your view on the metal scene today ?

It grows up anywhere.  More and more new metal music genre and their concepts, and also more the rising generation which follow into him. It’s a great disaster … Metal till Die …

Did you like play a lot of gigs than focusing to make new materials for first album ?

Both of them … Play in a lot of gigs. Its  progressively make our mental to strong and also will increase our experience perform and skill, beside that we could be promotion our new song.
Make a new materials, its important thing for us. So both of them is very close to be related.

And who would you say are your main musical influences ?

All of the great guitarist in this world, and it is, of course, every band of death metal..

Are you involved with a scene in your local area ? And tell us some great Death Metal bands in East Kalimantan and also especially in Samarinda ?

Samarinda…have a great Death Metal Bands, such as Malvomed, Devastation And Engorging. They’re have a complete skill, great sound, and brutal performance. But the others is a great too. Samarinda have everything about Death Metal and the event, there is Samarinda Death Fest I (2009), and Sulung Death Fest (2010).

What  the next planning from TOTAL BUSUK ?

Especially creating and finishing the first album, then going to finding the label and releasing it, wish in early year of 2012 and launching it, and playing for some gigs in and out of Samarinda and East Kalimantan, to promotions and make some merchandise.

And finally, any last words to the readers ?

Always Keep your ear with the fuckin Brutal Death Musick …
Thanks a lot for this great interview Yoedi and thanks for support us.

(Interviewed by John Yoedi, 13 November 2011)

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