Sunday, April 14, 2013

INTERVIEW: John Yoedi's exclusive interview with JAGAL (Surabaya death-metal legends) (English version)

This time Busuk Webzine got a chance to do an interview with JAGAL brutal death metal band from Surabaya, East Java. The band was long engaged in this underground world, formed in 2005. And in 2006 they had recorded ‘Monster Of Insanity’ and released in 2007, precisely in February under the No Label Records (Surabaya). And this is the debut of their first album in which the vocal position at that time was still using the Additional. In March 2007 they get fixed vocalist and then they recorded two songs in July 2008. And the material is packaged in the form of Ep ‘Terpuruk Sesal’ published by Henceforth Records in September 2008. In May 2009, JAGAL re-entered the studio and recorded all new material for the second album. Before the release of the second album, No Label Records re-released their first album in December 2009 with a fresh packaging.
January 2010, JAGAL reunite with No Label Records to release second album. April 2010 Dangerous Toys was launched by No Label Records and had the full support of Sevared Records as an official distribution in the United State of America.
JAGAL Members :
Nando Vocalunatic : Vocals
Endro Wibowo : Guitars
Dhidit Ratt : Bass
Deddy Demon : Drums

Please refer to our interview with the Butcher Endro Wibowo (Gitaris)

JY : Hello Endro, how are you? Thank you very much for your time and are willing to do an interview with Busuk webzine. Kieran James (Australia) and Me have shared on this blog. Well, is there any activity in the current JAGAL camp?

END : Hallo.... This time we again train a new vocalist for the delayed material for the 3rd album.
JY : 'Dangerous Toys' is your second album, released in 2010, which contains 9 songs. What response did you get from the release of the last album? Is there a bad review / comment?

END : hehehe... all kinds, some say our music progressed from previous albums and there is also say a bad sound, due to lack of funding....hehehe

JY : All albums are spewed by JAGAL released under the banner of 'No Label Records'. How can you be so keen to do a deal with No Label Records?

END : actually the second album would be released by Rottrevore and ESP but they are still a have many list bands, then we are back to No Labels, suggests solidity between bands and Surabaya labels.

JY : Is your collaboration with No Label Records was limited only to album release or? What about the problems show / tour of the JAGAL, whether they would also support this?

END : In essence it is just a release, but the No Labels is also helped for us as the second album in the license by SEVARED RECORDS making our band known to many metal lovers both inside and outside the country. we do the tour without label interference....hehehe

JY : Have you ever planned to make a deal with the label / record from abroad as Sevared Records, Uniqueleader Records, or other?

END : Hmmm.... we ever try to enter in the label Mexico before (sorry forgot his name) but we are not interested because they are more profitable divisions and if released outside records definitely we must wait long because they have a band list very much.

JY : Where JAGAL usually recording on every album ? Is it for your next album will do in the same studio?

END : First we take at NADA MUSIKA than second album at MUSICAL and for the next we back recording at NADA MUSIKA because our soundman had a work there and He knows exactly what our music character.

JY : what Equipments/Gears you usually wear at the time of recording in the studio ? Did equipments / gears are the same as those you use when show / tour?

END : Yes... we still love the character of a pure street music without a lot of makeup or a hoax. ( Hmmm …. ???? – red )

JY : In every album title of JAGAL, The album's title is a title song in every album. Like a first album ‘Monster of Insanity’ located on the first track, and in the album ‘Dangerous Toys’ located on the second song. Why do you do it? Is there something very special?

END : Hehehe.... nobody special just a coincidence these songs favored by our.

JY : what are The lyrics of the song tells about? Where did you get the inspiration? Is that inspiration comes from films, books or other things?

END : Various themes ranging from hatred, war, religion and social issues, and most of us take from the film and the life that is around us.

JY : Who is responsible for in terms of song writing and arranging music in JAGAL ? Are all personnel involved?

END : Yes all involved.

JY : Artwork on every album of the JAGAL is remarkable. Who is the artist who made ​​the artwork? Are you satisfied with the results?

END : The first of the label and the second is Nando order, We satisfied for second as more pervasive theme.

JY : Regarding the sound from JAGAL, Is there a difference from previous albums? And how you describe JAGAL to the terms of music?

END : For characters sound different because we always customize adjust with vocals charachter to sound more palatable to the ear. We still play the old school rhythms with a faster rhythm.
JY : What bands that influence your music ? Did JAGAL have a characteristic / distinctive music style rather than copying from other bands?

END : Metal music was born from the west so we certainly would influenced by MEGADETH, METALLICA, PANTERA, CANNIBAL CORPSE, SUFFOCATION and DYING FETUS. Because we used to play their songs.

JY : What do you think about the 'free download' that are abundant in internet sites. Examples free download band albums. Lots of us get it and we easily download any album from such bands. Does it really bother you or? Although what they did was intended to promote.

END : Well how.... because it is a tradition, but it is very detrimental for the true metal lovers surely prefer to buy because they create a collection. So let, as long as not abused and traded hijacked....hehehehe

JY : Still about ‘free download’. As we know, that your efforts to produce a masterpiece is not easy, need a lot of sacrifices such as time, money and other things. But what do you result expect, not in accordance with your effort before. Did you ever see the album you've put on their site ‘free download’. But besides that, you see a lot of 'good reviews / comment' on your album of the visitor on these sites. How do you solve this problem? Do you keep it?

END : During the virtual world that there is a 'free download' will always be there and it will not be stopped, different from the past that there is no internet and CD, all in the form of cassette... we were forced to just give whatever happens and all returned to their respective individual.

JY : What do you think about the metal scene in Surabaya today? What bands can you recommend to us?

END : Surabaya bands growing rapidly, because I am a death metal then I'm watching similar music as WAFAT, CLIMAXETH, RAZORBLADES TERROR, DESCANE andLAST FROM MYTH FEAR.

JY : Is there are often obstacles to make metal event in your city, such as the police?

END : Certainly ... the example in Surabaya when there a football match, event participants had to succumb because officers were deployed in anticipation of the football supporters.

JY : What the other activities beside play with your band? How do you divide time between training and employment?

END : To be sure we are working as some already married, you know yourself that the play Death Metal in Indonesia can’t be made for livelihood.....hehehehe
for time….
we are looking for a spare though not clash with other activities.

JY : Until now a lot of foreign bands performing in Indonesia, such as Disgorge (USA), Napalm Death, Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Misery Index, and etc. And I think personally, it proves that Indonesia is their biggest target for Asian countries. And besides that, they also know that in Indonesia a lot of these crazy music lovers. What do you think about this?

END : Yup... it is true that Indonesia is one of the biggest metal music lovers in the world and their arrival could make a lesson for Indonesian bands to find out how the band was playing well both in terms of live performance, scale and sound.

JY : Can you mention a 10 'the sickest album' from local bands? Give the reason?

END : hahahaha....i just mention the band, I think the albums from SIKSA KUBUR, JASAD, DEATH VOMIT, MORBID DUST, TENGKORAK, ASPHYXIATE, WAFAT, TRAUMA, KILLHARMONIC and JAGAL.... because I know they work really hard for work ranging from zero up to date and do not instantly, those bands are consistent with what is done so that the result works beautifully.

JY : What are your plans for the future of JAGAL? Are you going to release a new album in 2012 and roughly when the new album will be spewed?

END : Insya Allah This year we spend on the album even though we don’t know what month it is still in the process.
JY : Thank you so much for answering all of our questions and success is always to JAGAL. Are there any last message to BUSUK Webzine and other readers?

END : For Busuk Webzine hopefully more prosperous and always willing to share with us-the underground peoples. And for readers....keep on metal rule & stay brutaaaalllll

Do not forget to visit their homepage at: 

(Interviewed by : John Yoedi, January 18, 2012).
(translation by: Popo, vocalist DEMONS DAMN)

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