Tuesday, March 19, 2013

INTERVIEW: Our interview with DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE (Ujungbronx brutal death-metal featuring Glenn (BLOODGUSH) and Papap (ex-JASAD)) (English version)

John (Busuk Webzine) & Glenn (vocalist BLOODGUSH / DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE)

DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE is a project band based in Ujung Berung-Bandung. The band has formed and reinforced by some of the personnel who would have us know as:
Glennder (Bloodgush) : Vocals
Dedra (Digging Up) : Guitars
Ramon (Saffar) : Bass
Papap ( ex-Jasad) : Drums
They play music Brutal Death Metal style affected by the U.S. Death Metal. And they also have managed to spew the 2012 promo album contains 2 songs such as: Self Devour Cannibalism and Brutalized Dismemberment.
Well here I have had the opportunity to interview them, So please refer to my interview with DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE.
John Yoedi : Hell-o Glen….how are you? Pleased to meet you when I and Kieran James (Australia) visited Bandung a few weeks ago. And thank you for taking the time to do the interview with Busuk webzine at this time. 
 - Good John….yeahhh we met some time ago at an event with Kieran hehehe ( JY : we meet at Kidul Rahayu fest, 1 april 2012…)
JY : First of all, I would like to inquire about the album Promo 2012 from DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE. Can you explain about this? As the process of recording and so on.
- Promotion process of Dismemberment Torture the point for entry into the manufacture of a full album cd, and also to introduce the music of DT itself to the audience of death metal music lovers, the record preceded by a drum track with no metronome, guitar for a little train feeling... after completion of drums followed by other.
JY : And what about the response of the metalheads or the media about these Promo album? Did you get a positive response?
- Response from the promo cd is very positive because the number of bookings from cd demo itself … from within and outside the country, hopefully to entertain of death metal music lovers.
JY : Who first had the idea to form this TORTURE DISMEMBERMENT? And if this is just a project or a band? And when exactly does the band formed?- The idea of the name of the DT's of my own, this band is an expression of fondness and joy from me and want to spend expression through death metal music to realize it, I am asking for help from friends – friends to form a band, the framework of the band from the end of 2011, but his legal date 29/03/2012 .JY : As we know, members of the DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE band is not a 'new comer' but all the band members are still active with his killer bands are all like: Dedra (guitarist – Digging Up), Ramon (bassist - Saffar), yourself ‘Glen’ (vocalist – Bloodgush) except Papap (drum) who is a former drummer JASAD. Actually, what the hell are you guys decide to invite friends who have had or played for previous bands? - Indeed, all personnel DT have the bands exist, I am looking for the right personnel to fit with the music that I want when it's finished for this first album I will probably be looking again another personnel because they have good bands / exist, My own pack a lot of music from the DT because they have commitments in his bands and I understand / are aware of it because at the point I do not want interfere they band and relaxJY : And, if you believe the formation of DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE such a long-lasting? Hopefully DT can survive because I will continue to express my passion for music, myself will continue to wrestle in this world while still able to because the line was a part of my life, I cannot seem to be a musician in particular other than death metal.
JY : It is not easy to give a name for a band especially if the band is the same or name is already taken by other bands. And besides that, we must know the meaning and significance. Dismemberment Torture is a cool name and is suitable for a band that plays brutal death metal music. My question is who first had the idea to use this name ‘DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE’? Is there any special meaning of the name of your band's version?
- there’s no meaning from name Dismemberment Torture, wrote it feeling like the name because it may so difficult to remember.
JY : Papap is the former drummer of the JASAD. And I salute the skill / played when he was with the JASAD. Personally think, How can a play / skill Papap recently when joined DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE? Is there a slight difference when he was with JASAD or?
- In my opinion, he is now good skill and a more steady because I see him more frequently indulged his drums than his wife..hehehe .
If differences in skill while still strengthening the JASAD that depend most people judge ….. but I think, Papap still has a passion to keep playing drums and friends in Dismemberment Torture will continue to support …
JY : DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE has been inspired by death metal bands from USA. What bands have inspired you? Do you currently have your idea that has been typical sound you want?
- Yes DT has inspired by bands from USA like Deeds Of Flesh, Disgorge, To Violently Vomit , Vomit The Soul...etc DT itself want a low sound ….raw.
JY : And if you'd prefer to create music characters / sound separately rather than copying from other bands? Because, it cannot be denied, that each of the band members have extensive knowledge in this sick music and of course also have brilliant ideas.
- If the sound itself of course does want thew, maybe later in the recording process might be looking for sound character course previously had a running start from the desired sound in the recording process will certainly evolve and change towards progress expected.
JY : Since you spew Promo latest album, Do you have sent it to some labels / records in Indonesia? Or are you more interested in doing the labels / external records, such as Sevared Records, Brutal Bands, New Standard Elite or Uniqueleader Rec?
- For the demo itself was not too ambitious to be a more, The most important and foremost how to work in the field and do the maximum, if promo itself is quite spread out if anyone is interested contact may be more or offer when it will happen, then there was, whether who will contact and interested at DT.
JY : what are Actually labels / records you desire and can make so keen to do the deal / sign contract?
- To label we want certainly very favorable would be mutually beneficial no one harmed and DT will continue to do everything possible to serve a death metal.
JY : If there is a person or an event organizer from other cities outside Java especially like to invite Dismemberment Torture perform in their city ….consider performing in the city of Balikpapan, but besides that it simultaneously in different cities to invite some bands like Bloodgush perform in Makassar, Saffar appeared in Samarinda and Digging Up performing in Medan. How do you to overcome this? 
- to the problem of the tour of course DT will succumb when there are events clashing stage, if there stage was to continue clashing DT course I would beg to personnel or their band, if can of course, if it can’t, of course DT will budge, it is better because I did not want to harm the bands themselves.
JY : So many sick bands there are in Indonesia at the moment and they have the technical skills and the game can’t be underestimated. Can you mention some bands from outside of Java should be wary? 
- Bands outside of Java should be wary now that I know a lot of great bands from the city of Medan, I forgot his name but I’m still looking, currently outside the island of Java in Medan there are many good bands ….another dangerous band in Kalimantan are Engorging (Kalimantan), Trojan (Bali).
JY : What do you think about BUSUK WEBZINE ? 
- Busuk zine wowwwwww very good, make something of Indonesia aided by colleagues from abroad it will certainly be a plus for Indonesia, to be able to tell in Indonesia there are many dangerous bands, so outsiders getting more know because it can be packed in two languages, and it really means a lot.
JY : what your future plan with DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE ? Are you currently preparing new material will be immediately vomited for the first full-length album? 
- Plan ahead of DT collects the best material and wrapped in packaging cd was a certain satisfaction from what we do.
JY : Ok, that's it. Thank you for supporting Busuk webzine and for taking time to answer questions from me. Good luck to DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE. And before closing this interview, there a message for the metalheads?
- messages for the metalheads .... Still grind/stay brutal !!!! and stay sick..
For information about the band, you can check out at this link: 

(Interview by : John Yoedi, 23 April 2012)
(Translation by: Popo, vocalist Demons Damn, Bandung)

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