Tuesday, May 1, 2012

INTERVIEW: My interview with Chawan (vokalis) of JESSICA (symphonic death-metal, Subang, West Java, Indonesia)

My interview with Chawan (vokalis) of JESSICA (symphonic death-metal, Subang, West Java, Indonesia)
By Dr Kieran James (University of Southern Queensland)
Online interview, 19 April 2012

Kieran James Question 1: Hai, bisakah kamu menceritakan sejarah awal terbentuknya band kalian hingga sekarang?

Chawan JESSICA Question 1: JESSICA was founded in early 2008 to integrate the fury [of] death metal music. Shortly after the band formed they entered the studio and recorded their first demo tape. [It] was never released to the [public] as it was sent out solely for promotional reasons in an attempt to help the band secure gigs.

In 2009, 2010, 2011 JESSICA had problems with line-up, [people] who cannot [continue] on in JESSICA because of personal interests. We were desperate [because of] losing a lot of players, but 'Chawan' (JESSICA Vocals) remained with a high confidence, and started looking for players who are really serious [about] JESSICA.

Now in 2012 JESSICA established new line-up with a new spirit and a strong belief in [new] of song material. JESSICA re-entered the studio and recorded follow-up demo. The demo’s impact sent shock waves through the Indonesian Symphonic Death Metal Scene, which helped JESSICA not only establish their gruesome name, but allowed the band to play numerous shows all over Indonesia. Soon JESSICA was recognized as one of the leading bands in the growing Symphonic Death Metal scene.

Once again JESSICA has pushed the boundaries of Symphonic Death Metal to new heights, setting an extreme standard by which others will follow. JESSICA has quite literally gone where no band has gone before.

KJ2: Bagaimana respon orang-orang dengan mini album/album/demo band Kamu?

C2: For JESSICA demo which is called “Eternal Temptation”, many people who heard it say that it is one good CD with really great quality sound

KJ3: Band apa yang paling berpengaruh bagi Kalian dalam bermain musik?

C3: The bands that [are] our influences are: Abysmal Dawn, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Hate Eternal, Hour of Penance, Origin, Dimmu Borgir

KJ4: Apa rencana kedepan kalian bersama band?

C4: We want to create some albums to prove our existence, make some tour as promo of our band (JESSICA) and there are many things that we would do to make our band always brutal!

KJ5: Apakah lagu-lagu yang kalian buat menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.
C5: Both of them, but the language [most] used is Indonesian

KJ6: Apa yang kalian ceritakan dalam lirik-lirik yang kalian buat?

C6: A lot of our songs are stories about darkness

KJ7: Mengapa kalian semua suka memainkan musik death-metal?

C7: We think it’s one genre that [requires] expert difficulty. It’s really extreme we think, so we are proud that we play death-metal music

KJ8: Kapan pertama kali kamu menjadi fans band metal?

C8: It’s when I was in junior high school, for 15 years I've been a metalhead!

KJ9: Apa yang Kamu katakan kepada orang-orang yang bertanya mengapa Kamu memainkan musik bergaya barat?

C9: Because it has different styles, sometimes people [make negative comments towards] me, but I told them that western music like metal has a different style. So I do live this music

KJ10: Apakah para istri dan kekasih para personil kalian mendukung apa yang kalian kerjakan?

C10: Just a little bit support, sometimes they hate it when we leave for some performance hahaha...

KJ11: Apa saja hal-hal baik dan buruk mengenai pandangan death-metal Bandung?

C11: I think it’s good. They could [keep] idealism [by] playing death metal. There’s no bad [thing] in Bandung death-metal community because we support each other

KJ12: Rencana apa yang kalian buat bersama band untuk kedepannya?

C12: We [plan to] finish our first album in June 2012, if there are no bad things happening

KJ13: Di acara apa kalian merasakan, itu stage yang berkesan?

C13: All stages we’ve performed on is a great stage with a lot of headbangers listening [to] and viewing our performances

KJ14: Ada pesan untuk kawan kawan?

C14: “Don’t ever give up in death-metal music, try harder and harder, you are chosen by death-metal to play it”.

KJ15: OK, terima kasih banyak

C15: OK, thank you for this interview buddy

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