Tuesday, January 3, 2012


RIRIWA (BOGOR CITY BLACK METAL) - Check out their three-track demo now!
My interview with Zard (guitar) of RIRIWA (BOGOR CITY, West Java, Indonesia black-metal)
By Dr Kieran James (University of Southern Queensland)
Email Interview, 21 December 2011
Kieran James: Hi, mate. Thanks very much for agree to do interview with our website www.busukwebzine666.blogspot.com. These are the questions:
Zard Lordblasphemort: Thank you for the questions and sorry if you wait for a long time for the answers. 
KJ: First tell us the band history, like when you start and who are the members?
Zard: I started my band RIRIWA in the last year of 2009 and became a leader for my band. This band has changed players many times and now this band has four members and one additional member: Joe (Vocals), Zard (Lead Guitar), Abank (bassist), Elonk (keyboard ), and Egy (additional Drummer ).
KJ: Do you believe in the black-metal ideology?
Zard: Many people linked Black Metal with “Satanic Image”, which opposes Christianity and the other religions to promote Satanism [and] atheism, which [uses music with] Satanic lyric themes like atheism, antitheismetc. For that reason we don’t believe [in] that ideology, because we still believe in our religion. I agree in part with the ideology of BM, like BM is a sub-genre of metal music which has [been] influenced by Gothic literature, poetry, mythology, and horror films. For my band Black Metal is more about depression, nihilism, misanthropy, death, and other dark topics.
KJ: How is progress for your demo or album?
Zard: The progress [for] our album is good, so far we has released three demo songs (“Intro”, “Dunia Hitam”, “Terbelenggu Jiwa” and four [other] new song are still in progress.
KJ: How to describe your style and what bands do you like?
Zard: Our band style is not far from CRADLE OF FILTH [UK], DIMMU BORGIR [NORWAY], EMPEROR [NORWAY], and MARDUK [SWEDEN] because our influences are those bands.
KJ: What are your favourite Indonesian black-metal bands?
Zard: Our favourite Indonesia Black Metal [bands] are: SANTET, MALICE, HELLGODS, DIVINE BLACKNESS and RITUAL ORCHESTRA.
KJ: What is the metal scene like in your city including black-metal, death-metal, etc?
Zard: It has a good scene, Bogor (my City) [and it has] a big community in Black Metal, Death Metal and the other genres. We have a lot of community [members], we always hang around in the same place, [and we] make some plans for making Metal Events.
KJ: What jobs do you have outside of metal?
Zard: Outside the band, I have another job. I work at a private company.
KJ: What are your plans and goals for the band?
Zard: My plans for RIRIWA are making a first EP. Our goals are we hope we can release our first EP [as] soon as possible, and we can perform at BM EVENT outside Java and Indonesia.
KJ: What city in Indo do you think has the best black-metal scene and why?
Zard: For now I think Bogor and Jakarta are the cities which have the best scenes for BM coz many teenagers join in the BM communities. Well I just can say BM is more popular than the other genres [of] metal here.
[KJ: We are happy to support BOGOR CITY METAL – we have interviewed many BOGOR bands on this website.]
KJ: What is your comment about TANAH KUBUR? We interview the singer of that band here too.
Zard: Even though we started first in BM I think TANAH KUBUR is a great BM band. They have good songs too and they [have] moved fast in BM and we respect them.
KJ: Last one: Any message or word for your fans?
Zard: Message for our fans: “Thank you for all support for our band and keep supporting us. Without you we are nothing”.
KJ: Thanks very much for the interview and I hope to meet you next time I go to Java.
Zard: Thank you. I hope these answers can fulfil your questions. You can ask another question if these answers [are] unsatisfactory.
Zard: You can see our live performances at:

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