Wednesday, November 16, 2011


My interview with HUMILIATION (Soreang, Bandung, Indonesia brutal death-metal)
Online interview: 16 November 2011 with Adam (vocals).
HUMILIATION is: Adam (vocals), Iho (drums), Vman (bass), and Agi (lead guitar). (Not to be confused with the Malaysian band called HUMILIATION)

Adam: Hello Kieran.

Kieran James : Hi. 

Adam : I’m ready for this interview.

KJ : Thanks very much to agree for interview. Firstly, can you tell me history of your band?

Adam: You’re welcome. It’s a very long story.

KJ : Haha ok…

Adam : Hahaha wait.

KJ : Tell me….

Adam: In short, HUMILIATION, a small band from the outskirts of Bandung (Soreang, Bandung West Java Indonesia) which was the form of some troops Adam as vocal, Iho as drum, Vman as bass, Agi as Lead Guitar. HUMILIATION is a name derived from the word humiliation, insults to the norm of norms and values of life and formed in early 2010, more precisely on 02 February 2010 in Soreang, Bandung West Java Indonesia. We are homage to the Extreme Brutal Death Metal trying to combine some elements and compounds of underground art, by mixing all forms and sections from every genre of death metal music. We try to give meaning of the life of every detail shymphoni and harmony that can be recalled, digested and applied in life.

KJ : OK, what are some festivals you played so far?

Adam : We played in Kidul Rahayu Fest 1.

KJ : Did you play Bandung Death Fest or Bandung Berisik?

Adam: Yes … and, local underground festivals.

KJ : Ok, what describes the type of music?

Adam: We try making the music like brutal in the funniest.

KJ : Have you got plan for demo or album?

Adam : We got a plan for album in these years [coming].

KJ :  Have you got a record deal?

Adam :  No we haven’t.

KJ : Ah best wishes. What do you think of Bandung death scene?

Adam  : They [are] very nice hahaha.

Adam (HUMILIATION) & John (BUSUK), 1 Apr 12
KJ :  Ya, I saw Bleeding Corpse and Turbidity play and I know some of the others, Bleeding Corpse fans are wild. Who are your influences?

Adam : We [are] influenced by Sleep Terror [USA] so much.

KJ : OK, what jobs do you guys do outside music?

Adam : We are college student[s].

KJ : OK, great so you guys are very young, right?

Adam : Thanks, yes I am.

KJ : What dreams or goals you got for your band?

Adam : We can make the audience [have] fun with our experience … in music of course, haha.

KJ : You know Death Vomit from Yogya toured Australia, does this give hope for the Indonesia bands?

Adam : Yes I know, they are brutal band very much.

KJ : Ya, great band. I hope Indonesia metal becomes more famous like Poland death-metal or Germany power-metal…

Adam : I wish I can play in Australia too.

KJ : One day maybe, I hope so too.

Adam : Yes I hope so too thanks.

KJ : Have you had any problems playing death-metal in your city?

Adam: Some problems maybe exist but in general OK.

KJ : OK, does your place have its own scene like Ujung Berung or just part of Bandung scene?

Adam : My place has its own scene.

KJ : How is it?

Adam : We try to explore the potential skill in our own place

KJ : It’s great to see so many teenagers following death metal there

Adam : Yes [for] me too, thanks.

KJ : Why do you think Indonesia is so strong in metal now? Stronger than in nearby countries?

Adam : Yes I think so, because I see metal grow so fast now

KJ : Yes for sure. Have you played other city in Java?

Adam : Yes, I’ve played in several cities like Bogor and Serang.

KJ : I saw Bleeding Corpse headline show in Cibinong, great show, 1000 people, this was October 2011. You should try to play Yogya, it’s a good scene there too.

Adam : We had got several order[s] from Yogya but they canceled.

Adam's mother, Adam & Kieran (BUSUK)
KJ : Ah I see, I will send Roy and Corna, Death Vomit, the link for this interview. Do you want to try new styles in music?

Adam : Okay I will wait. no I don’t, I’ve enjoy it [brutal death-metal] hehe

KJ : What are your fans like?

Adam: Very nice and they are wild.

KJ : That’s good! OK last question from me: what message have you got for your fans?

Adam : Keep brutal in your life. Stay coming from the darkness! Salam baktos! Hahahha.

KJ : OK, terima kasih, thanks very much for interview, I hope to meet you next time in Bandung.

Adam: Sama sama, you’re welcome, I will be wait, thanks for the interview Kieran.

KJ: Jangan kuatir haha, see you at the show, I will headbang at the front! Promote the blog if you can.

Adam : Yes I can do it.

KJ : See ya mate.

Adam : See ya Kieran.

(Interviewed By Dr Kieran James 'University of Southern Queensland')

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