Monday, November 21, 2011

Bvll Metal Art Interview

Bvllmetalart,  which have a name ‘Timbul Cahyono’. He was born in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan – Indonesia. But now he is living and working in the Chincoteague,Virginia - United States. And married to beautiful girl ‘Alexandra Redman’. He has been professional an artist since 1990. He works in a variety of mediums including watercolor,oil,ink,acrylic and digital media.
Bvll has a particular interest in conservation and animal welfare. It is a repeated theme in his surrealistic paintings as well as a common subject of his illustrative work.  He has worked with many international conservation organizations including World Wildlife Fund / WWF and The Nature Conservancy. 
When he was still living in Balikpapan city, he has had various activities and also Grindcore band as Guitars/Vocals and it’s called EPITAPH but since he left the band was inactive. ( check his band video live by 
He’s very smart  and talented. Lots of band and labels/records used his artwork for their killer stuff such as Cd’s cover, logo’s band/records, Tee shirt  and etc. Well I could be say here his artwork used for some local band/label stuff such as Death Vomit, Delirium Trement, Dead Vertical, Depraved,  Disinfected, Asphyxiate, Decomposed,Epitaph, Venomed, Trauma, Devastation,Pieces Records, Sulung Distro, Alliansi Hitam and many more. Also for overseas bands/records such as : Paroxysmal Butchering, Guttural Engorgement, SikFuk and many more.

Well, Here some interview with him.

JY : Hi Bvll, how are things going at the moment for you there ?

Bvll : Everything is going well, not much to do for me in here right now other than painting and drawing. I just finished some pieces (acrylic on canvas) and now I'm working on a CD cover and t-shirt design. I just move to the middle of nowhere. Not too bad though.

JY : Would you like to talking a briefly, when your started to be an artist ?

Bvll : I started to be a professional artist when I was a teenager. I did portrait paintings/drawing. I did posters, greeting cards, billboard, and I also sold Dayak (native tribe in Borneo) painting for tourist.

JY : And did your parent love your activities ? Were they have given you supported to do that ?

Bvll : Yeah man, they did. They supported me. They bought me art supplies when I was a kid.

JY : As we known, you had have a band in Balikpapan city – Indonesia, its called Epitaph. Do you consider yourself an artist more than a musician or ?

Bvll : Music for me just for fun man. Art is my life and of course it makes money.

JY : Your artwork are very well known and famous. Where did you get inspiration come about ? and who’s your big influence for Artist given you inspirations ?

Bvll : I got inspiration from anything. Sometime it's weird, I talk to people but I don't pay any attention in the conversation because I'm too busy anatomized them haha. There is so many artist that gave me inspiration, but for metal/creepy artists I really love Dan Seagrave and H.R. Giger. They are fuckin' awesome, their stuff just blow me away!

JY : And what is your favourite piece you have drawn ?

Bvll : Goddamned! I don't know! I like my new stuff, but for now maybe my favorite is "the flies catcher". You can see it in my facebook page Fuckin' flies gave me inspiration to do that piece. Isn't it awesome?

JY : I know everything is very different from here when you moved to US such as weather and etc. Could you tell us about life style peoples there ? And which one of city you like to stayed ? Do you like going to watching metal bands concert / gigs there ?

Bvll : In my new place? I don't really know yet. Very much different that San Diego where I lived before. Southern California just very much the same like movies that you usually watch. Beaches and sexy girls with big boobs. I like SD. I have watched lots of metal gigs there. SD is a nice place to live. But it's very expensive and smell bad (marijuana mixed with dog's pee) haha.

JY : What do you think about Metal Arts in Indonesia ? And who’s your favourite metal artist from here ?

Bvll : I know some good and sick artists from Indonesia, but now I see so many fake artists/designer make crapy stuff and put it on facebook and tagged it for sale...WTF?. I'm not sure who is my favorite metal artist from there. I like Coki Greenway. He makes makes very good stuff and he did many bad ass artwork for metal bands.

JY : Did you have some contract with Labels/Records for making Design Artwork for their stuff ? And did you satisfied with that ? How did the deal come about ?

Bvll : No I don't have any contracts with bands or labels. Usually they just ask me to do art for them or just pick form my album in my page and buy it. So far so good.

JY : If we want to buy your artwork, how much US$ we have to pay it ? Is it different price for B/W and Full colour artwork ?
Bvll : If you want to buy my piece, just drop me an e-mail or message on my facebook and we'll talking about it.

JY : What do you think if someone stolen your artwork from your site ? And then, they using it for their stuff like T-shirt, Flyers Fest and etc.

Bvll : I can't do anything for them... just say FUCK YOU! or GO TO HELL! watermark is the only way to protect your stuff from that stupid motherfuckers.

JY : Ok, thanks for all. Any last words for conclude this interview ?

Bvll : Thanks for asking me these fucking question and big support for your busuk webzine. If you have time, go visit my page at and LIKE it! \m/

(Interviewed by John Yoedi, November 20, 2011)

1 comment:

  1. hmm.. you'd anatomized me well.. you've painted me..
