Wednesday, April 9, 2014

CD REVIEW: Turbidity - Vomiting the Rotten Maggot, by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews

(Short review never before published)

Turbidity-Vomiting the Rotten Maggot

One of the most respected bands in Indonesia, Turbidity are back with an EP called ‘’Vomiting the Rotten Maggot''! For the uneducated, Turbidity is playing in the Sick Slamming Brutal Death F**ing Metal style and I think with this new album, they are more into the slamming than their previous full length, which was f***ing brutal as f*** with some slam riffs added! They are much improved on the production level and, in my opinion, is totally damn perfect with a sound that sounds like a ton of f***ing shit with a flawless mixing, in other words, the album sounds f***ing killer! Turbidity is formed of Daniel on Guitars, Amar on Bass, Andri on Vocals and Iko on Drums! This quartet has not built a positive reputation for nothing, all their riffs are f***ing sensational, the drums is f**ing insane and not to mention the vocalist who made an incredible damn job in a guttural way! This EP contains three new songs, one intro, two live songs and lasts about 22 minutes and for me, the only flaw with this CD is that some moments are a little bit more annoying but really quickly forgotten by all the amazing f***ing riffs that contains this f**ing shit! For those who don't know Turbidity, you absolutely need to find and buy their entire discography because everything they touched became f***ing gold! Super Sick Slamming Shit! 9.5\10

[This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews and used here with his kind written permission.]

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