Sunday, November 24, 2013



Released by Self Released / Independent

Tracklist :
1. Decaying Death                             03.56
2. Crime and Punishment                   03.28
3. Tortured ‘till Redemption               03.44
4. Mass Lobotomy                            03.14

Band Members :
Moreno Visintainer           (Bass)
Corrado Menegatti           (Drums)
Michele Segata               (Guitars)
Federico Visintainer         (Guitars)
Michel                            (Vocals)

Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih banyak untuk Michele (Guitaris dari The Beyond) atas kiriman file audio nya ke email dan dukungannya untuk Busuk Webzine. Baiklah, disini saya akan mencoba mereview band dari Italy yaitu THE BEYOND. Band ini telah terbentuk pada 2 tahun yang lalu tepatnya ditahun 2011. Dan pada bulan April 2013 mereka telah berhasil memuntahkan EP pertama nya yang diberi title ‘Decaying Purity’ yang berisikan 4 track dan EP ini dirilis sendiri / self released. EP yang menghabiskan total durasi hampir sekitar 14 menit ini, benar-benar menyuguhkan permainan pure old school death metal.....awesome. Dan lagu Decaying Death menjadi lagu pembuka pada EP mereka ini dan langsung diawalin dengan gempuran hyperblast drums yang kejam. Band ini sangat bagus dalam meracik beberapa elemen musik dan inspirasi ke dalam death metal parts dan tendengar sound yang begitu kental dari band-band old school seperti Grave, Benediction, Cannibal Corpse,Terrorizer dan Autopsy. Yang saya suka dari mereka ketika band ini bermain lepas dengan the faster elements in the music. Of course, mereka tidak selalu memainkan tempo yang begitu cepat namun ada juga beberapa tempo lambat and it works well, also it’s obvious that the band know what they are doing. Walaupun tidak terlalu banyak yang berbeda pada musik mereka dibandingkan dengan band lainnya yang memainkan old death metal namun band ini sangat bergantung pada beberapa inspirasi musik. Riff guitars nya pun tidak terlalu luar biasa namun bekerja dengan cara yang seharusnya dan itu menurut saya yang terpenting but there are still have some varied and good riffs. Permainan drums nya juga benar-benar sangat solid dan gempuran hyperblastnya juga tidak perlu diragukan lagi....plays tight and with nerve. So it still makes the music sound kind of fresh but there’s’ always room for improvement. Also the music is diverse and full of abnormal parts and changes. Typical vocalnya juga sangat baik dengan death growls yang biasanya dilakukan pada banyak band lainnya, tapi tetap bekerja seperti seharusnya. Overall, the music production is good meskipun ini merupakan rilisan sendiri tapi hasilnya benar-benar sangat bagus.....two thumb up for great job. Jika kalian merupakan big fans dari old school death metal seperti Grave, Benediction, Cannibal Corpse, Terrorizer and Autopsy....kalian patut untuk mendengarkan band yang satu’ll not be disappointed. 
Rating 8/10
(Direview oleh John Yoedi)

I would like to say ‘Thank you very much to Michele’ (Guitarist from The Beyond) to sent me ‘DECAYING DEATH’ Ep Audio file by email and also thanks for your kind support to Busuk Webzine. Well, here i try to do cd review for band from Italy, the band is called THE BEYOND and formed in 2011. Last April 2013, they have released ‘Decaying Death’ first EP with 4 tracks and self released / independent. Total duration of the EP about 14 minutes with pure old school death metal and Decaying Purity is the first song for the EP and started with f***in great hyperblast drums. The band was good and they have prepared some great elements music and some inspiration into the death metal parts and the sound is so thick from old school bands such as : Grave, Benediction, Cannibal Corpse, Terrorizer and Autopsy. What i like about them while they are playing loose with the faster elements in the music. Of course, they don’t always playing so fast but there are some mid and slow tempo parts and it’s works well also it’s obvious that the band know what they are doing. Although not too much different in their music from other bands that plays old death metal but this is very dependent on some inspiration music. Guitars riff was not too unusual but worked the way it should be and i think that’s very important but of course there are still have some varied and good riffs. The drumming is really f***in solid with hyperblast and plays tight and with nerve. So it still makes the music sound kind of fresh but there’s always room for improvement. Also the music is diverse and fulll of abnormal parts and changes. The typical vocals is good with death growls and a more shouting type of vocal that many other bands also use but nonetheless it works like it should. Overall, the music productions is great and there’s a good balance in the productions although the EP released by self release but the results are really good ....two thumb up for great job. So if you are big fans from old school death metal like Grave, Benediction, Cannibal Corpse, Terrorizer and must be listen to this’ll not be disappointed. 
Rating 8/10
(Reviewed by John Yoedi)

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