Sunday, October 13, 2013

REVIEW: CD review of REZUME - "Fragment of Blessedness Spermicide" (2013), by LOSTINCHAOSZINE

Rezume - Fragment Of Blessedness Spermicide
Prime Cuts Music CD 2013

01 Tiamicine 500Mg 04:13    
02 Squirt Orgasm 04:59      
03 Masochism Sexual 03:53      
04 Vaginal Impalement 03:18      
05 Fucking Every Hole 03:20      
06 Distimulasi Payudara 04:13      
07 Fragment of Blessedness Spermicide 04:26      
08 Fingering Orgasm 03:27      
09 Shoot My Fucking Ass 03:45      
10 Butchered Internal Organs 02:17

Gustra - Bass
Bir - Drums
Adit - Guitars
Kadir - Guitars
Rizky - Vocals

Tengah menjadi Bahan Perbincangan Hangat, Debut Full album pertama milik Band Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan Slamming Attack plus Lirik2 berbau Pornografy sudah menjadi Dasar kuat Band asal Denpasar Bali yang eksis sejak awal 2008 lalu menampilkan Mantan Gitaris Eternal Madnes, Adit yang kemudian Sepakat melakukan Konspirasi untuk melahirkan band yang lebih Biadab dari sebelumnya. Rezume is a pack of 5 personnel who share the same vision of Brutal Porn Slamming Death Metal music !!! musiknya sendiri adalah penggabungan karakter Liar Cryptopsy dengan Defeated Sanity, Condemned, Cephalotripsy, Guttural Secrete, Devourment hingga Abominable Putridity. meskipun saat ini Indonesian Scene sedang terjangkiti Virus Slammming Death Metal, Rezume tetap memberikan sajian Musik Yang jelas berbeda sekali. sehingga Bisa dimaklumi jikalau jam terbang band sudah lumayan tinggi Hingga ke Melbourne, Australia. nah dari situlah Rezume bertemu dengan Pemilik Label terkenal Negeri kanguru tersebut, Prime Cuts Music untuk membicarakan Perilisan Full albumnya. dimulai dengan seorang cewek mengucapkan " Tiamicine 500Mg " sebagai Track Pertama Rezume ini langsung membombardir dengan hentakan rapat Blastbeat dan Crush Riffing berdarah ! dari sini langsung Gw tangkap gaya Liar Cryptopsy sebelum selanjutnya Downtune Riffing mulai menggoyang Adrealin Gw melakukan Headbang seiring Groove Riff-nya menari nari. Blast beats sprout up in seemingly random places in the music, even in places where they're obviously not wanted. Basically, this reminds me of Defeated Sanity in a lot of ways, except that thankfully lack the horribly bloated production job. And yet, as if to compensate for not sucking in one area of their music, practically everything else about this album just sort of sits in the lower range of "mediocre", and I think the mix here was pretty poorly planned - the guitars are too quiet, and the drums of all things are on top of everything, making this a rather percussion-based album instead of guitar-based like this sort of BDM probably should be. The guitar tone doesn't help, it's almost totally devoid of bass and yet, whereas most bands would compensate by boosting up the bass guitar, that guy is nowhere to be found on this album. Sayang terlalu didominasi dengan Breakdown Slam Part berlebihan sehingga terkadang Gw merasa rada jenuh, namun hentakan Fast Blastbeat akan tetap menjaga Gw dalam Kondisi sadar hehehe ... " Squirt Orgasm " kemudian sadis mencincang biji peler banget dengan sajian yang kian membabi buta ! The technical riffs are pretty fucking tasteless, and not in a good way; they mostly just do circles around themselves really, really fast like a dog chasing its own tail, with pieces of pinch harmonics and other guitar wizardry jammed somewhere into the riffs in a futile attempt to make things more interesting than they actually are. begitu juga dengan " Masochism Sexual ", seakan terus tidak memberikan nafas lega di awal part selain harus menunggu beberapa Slam Groovy Beat-nya. Memang selama setengah jam Lebih Telinga Gw terus dibombardir dengan Sajian Irama Bising Menghancurkan seperti  ini, ga melulu part cepat saja yang disuguhkan, namun dentuman Slamming Breakdown menjadi Pilihan terakhir menikmati Musik album Rezume menjadi semakin berdarah, Didot-nya Born By Mistake juga menyumbangkan Solo Melodiusnya di track " Fingering Orgasm " menjadi tampak melodius sayatannya. Hmmmm ... memang 10 track Penyiksa Kejam mereka ini bisa gw masukkan dalam album Rekomendasi buat kalian pecinta Ngebut dengan ending Headbang. The ultra-compressed and digitally tampered production gives this a fake and fraudulent sound. "Fragment Of Blessedness Spermicide" is weak-sounding without any real aggression, darkness, brutality, or atmosphere. Is this suppose to sound dark and threatening This also causes the album as a whole to feel bloated as each track is brutal riff after brutal riff and gets tiring very quickly. A lot of the tracks when compared to the standouts also feel incredibly fillerish and seem to exist solely to fill up space, thus some of the songs are of little value.

The middle of a conversation Material Warm , Debut Full Band 's first album Brutal Death Metal with a touch Slamming Attack plus lirik2 smelling Pornografy already a strong base from Denpasar Bali band that existed from the beginning of 2008 and featuring former guitarist Eternal Madnes , Adit who then agree to perform Conspiracy Barbaric spawned more bands than ever . Rezume is a pack of 5 personnel who share the same vision of Porn Slamming Brutal Death Metal music ! ! ! music itself is merging with the character Wild Cryptopsy Defeated Sanity , Condemned , Cephalotripsy , Guttural Secrete , Devourment Abominable Putridity up . though now being contracted Scene Indonesian Slammming Virus Death Metal , Music Rezume still give offerings Clearly different. Understandable if so flight hours until the band has been pretty high to Melbourne , Australia . nah that's where Rezume met with label owners the kangaroos famous Affairs , Prime Cuts Music to discuss his album Full Release . begins with a girl saying " Tiamicine 500mg " as the First Track this Rezume directly bombarding Blastbeat meeting with the beat and riffing bloody Crush ! from here directly Gw Illegal fishing style riffing Cryptopsy before next Downtune began to shake Adrealin Gw do Headbang Riff Groove along her dancing dancing . Blast beats sprout up in seemingly random places in the music , even in places where they're obviously not wanted . Basically , this reminds me of Defeated Sanity in a lot of ways , except that thankfully lack the horribly bloated production job . And yet , as if to compensate for not sucking in one area of their music , practically everything else about this album just sort of sits in the lower range of "mediocre " , and I think the mix here was pretty poorly planned - the guitars are too quiet, and the drums of all things are on top of everything , making this a rather percussion - based album instead of guitar - based like this sort of BDM probably should be . The guitar tone does not help , it's almost totally devoid of bass and yet , whereas most bands would compensate by boosting up the bass guitar , that guy is nowhere to be found on this album . Unfortunately too dominated by redundant Breakdown Part Slam so sometimes Gw feel rada saturated , but the beat Fast Blastbeat will keep Gw in unconscious condition hehehe ... " Squirt Orgasm " then sadistically mutilated peler really the seed grain growing blindly ! The technical riffs are pretty fucking tasteless , and not in a good way ; mostly they just do circles around Themselves really, really fast like a dog chasing its own tail , with pieces of pinch harmonics and other guitar Wizardry jammed somewhere into the riffs in a Futile attempt to the make things more interesting than they actually are . as well as " Sexual Masochism " , as if constantly not give a sigh of relief in the early parts than having to wait a few Slam Groovy Beat her . Indeed, for half an hour More Ear Gw continue to be bombarded with a dish like this rhythm Noise Crush , ga only fast part are presented , but the boom Breakdown Slamming a last option enjoy music album Rezume become increasingly bloody , his Didot Born By Mistake also donate Solo Melodiusnya on track " Fingering Orgasm " to appear melodic incision . Hmmmm ... 10 Cruel Torture indeed track them can i enter in the album Recommendations for you lovers of speeding by Headbang ending . The ultra -compressed and digitally tampered production gives this a fake and fraudulent sound . " Fragment Of Blessedness spermicides " is weak - sounding without any real aggression , darkness , brutality , or atmosphere . Is this suppose to sound dark and threatening This also causes the album as a whole to feel bloated as each track is brutal riff after brutal riff and gets tiring very quickly intervening . A lot of the tracks when Compared to the standouts also feel incredibly fillerish and seem to exist solely to fill up space , Thus some of the songs are of little value .

[This review was originally published at LOSTINCHAOSZINE and reproduced here with the kind written permission of Herry Sic of LOSTINCHAOSZINE] 

CD REZUME " Fragment Of Blessedness Spermicide "


Harga Rp.40.000

Harga belum ongkir
kondisi 100 % baru / segel

SMS order : 0812 9085 1424
Pin BB : 25B26046

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